

Spotlight   11/14/16
by Gideon58
The setting is the 1990's at the Boston Globe newspaper where a new editor-in-chief requests that Spotlight, a four person investigative reporting team who work completely independent of the rest of the paper and choose their own assignments, to drop their current look into Boston police corruption ...

Spotlight   8/07/16
by Citizen Rules
About: Based on the true life story of the Boston Globe newspaper investigate efforts to uncover a massive cover up scandal, involving child molestation by priest in the Catholic Church...and an even larger cover up by the community.

Spotlight   3/03/16
by Iroquois
The members of the eponymous team of investigative journalists are professionals who carefully pursue every possible lead despite opposition from all sides; it is Spotlight's meticulous approach to their investigation that feeds into the film's cinematic style (or lack thereof).

Spotlight   2/19/16
by AngusMcGregor
A phenomenal film telling a very scary, true event, I highly recommend seeing this film as it is spectacular.

Spotlight   1/10/16
by TheUsualSuspect
One of the more underrated films that falls into this category, is coincidentally another Keaton film, The Paper.

Spotlight   12/07/15
by skizzerflake
Spotlight was an investigative reporting unit at the Globe that had the luxury to spend a lot of time and effort on a big story, in this case the 2001 story of an individual Catholic priest who abused a minor and the subsequent cover-up of the incident by Cardinal Law (names are named in this movie)...

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