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Taste of Cherry

Director:Abbas Kiarostami

In normal Kiarostami fashion he takes what is a straight forward mundane narrative and weaves in intriguing relationships and dialogue. Our protagonist is on a mission and needs assistance with his task. He circles what seems to be a relatively small work site in his vehicle looking for the right person. As he interacts with the characters he chooses, most of whom turn him down for various reasons, we get more questions than answers.

Although each person is picked up for the same purpose, each are very different people. Why he would choose them and their perspective on his situation is what drives the film. Through each encounter we are given little glimpses into the main characters life. More times than not we are left wondering if he knew the outcome before they entered his vehicle, and if he has had previous relationships with them.

Although we are left wishing that we had more information on what set our main character on his quest, we have real investment on how it will end. As in other Kiarostami films we are given a quite ambiguous ending. In Taste Of Cherry the journey is the thing and that is good by me.