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Connor Macgregor Reviews...Machete

Danny Trejo starring in his own film , in another of Robert Rodriguez's blood fests. This Is Machete.

The highly skilled Federale Machete is hired by some unsavory types to assassinate a senator. But just as he's about to take the shot, he notices someone aiming at him and realizes he's been set up. He barely survives the sniper's bullet, and is soon out for revenge on his former employers, with the reluctant assistance of his brother Cheech Marin, who has become a priest and taken a vow of nonviolence. If you hire him to take out the bad guys, make sure the bad guys aren't you!

Danny Trejo is a really good screen prescense , despite the fact its the same name than his other character in The Spy Kids Series. Never the less , he is a good new action star with a thurst for blood and action. There is a good star studded cast here including Robert De Niro in a good sleezy role and Steven Segal in a villian role for a change. We also get Lindsay Lohan , who despite flushing herself down with drugs and booze , still gets a steller performance. Others like Michelle Rodrgiuez & Jessica Alba are also good additions and i can't forget about Cheech Marin , Tom Savani & Daryl Sabara. I also thought Don Johnson had a good performance in this too.

The Action was also really well done and fit in with the cheesy grindhouse like story. A Great story too about The Mexican people having the right to be apart of a new society , good or bad.

Never the less , Fun Film and good action gives this a thumbs up.

Rating - 66% - B