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Day 3

Hell Baby

A generic horror comedy plot with generic jokes is saved from being terrible by a funny cast. Horror comedy is a hard mixed genre, lean to far one way or the other and you may lose either side of the audience. I tend to love most of the horror comedies that come my way and Hell Baby looked to be at the very least, one of the enjoyable ones.

A couple are expecting their first child and they move into a haunted house. During the pregnancy, their mother starts exhibiting possession like symptoms and a team of exorcists show up to expel their demon baby.

I never watched Reno 911, so I'm not familiar with the comedy style, but Hell Baby is full of potential jokes to land and most of them falling short. One sequence involving tossing an infant around a room goes on for way too long that the jokes becomes irritatingly annoying. Rob Croddry and Leslie Bibb are the expecting couple and they fail to have any chemistry together. It's the classic one actor being a comedian and the other trying their best to be funny. It doesn't work.

The film feels like the creators don't know much about horror and paint a comedy with some surface level things they think work in the genre. It never tries to be clever or dedicated to its own story. Hell Baby is a misfire with few laughs.