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Ant-Man and the Wasp

Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) N

I think I've seen the first Ant-Man but I don't remember anything from it. In here Wasp's mother is lost in the quantum realm and with her father she tries to find her. Ant-Man has some connection with the mom so they need him to get her location. There's also this ghosty lady after the mom, FBI monitoring Ant-Man's house arrest, etc. Like usual there's lots going on all the time.

Most of the time Ant-Man and the Wasp feels tired and bored of itself. Acting is very stale and the plot isn't too intriguing either. Chasing the stolen laboratory tries to be funny and full of twists but it lacks both heart and wit. Even the humor doesn't work (the truth serum stuff being an exception).

Some action sequences look good and there's at least an attempt to utilize the size changes in interesting ways. The car chase is kinda cool but it feels awfully similar to Matrix Reloaded highway chase. Outside the action there's just nothing else. Awfully boring film.