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Two Days, One Night

Two Days, One Night (2014)

"Two Days, One Night" is a French film about Sandra, a woman who has a weekend to convince the majority of her workmates to give up a raise in order to keep her job.
Marion Cotillard does a great job at playing Sandra, a female who's fighting depression and for her place in a factory, she definitely sells and carries this film from beginning to end, and while I did find her character quite frustrating and annoying at times, It could also be argued that it adds to the authenticity of her persona, furthermore, she definitely deserved the Oscar nomination for this role, she lost weight just so she can appear like a woman who's recovering from an illness, and she also made sure to put in subtle details in her performance that added to the realism.
While you do want the lead to win over her colleagues, you can still understand why many of them are choosing to keep the bonus instead, so the movie has a unique neutral perspective on the happening events.
Personally, while I did find the main girl's acting amazing, that didn't stop it from reaching levels where it nearly became unbearable to watch, Sandra really frustrated me and got on my nerves, but I'm on the fence about holding it against the film or not.
Overall, "Two Days, One Night" is a well paced drama with an incredible performance, and an honourable message to convey. This is a high Matinee