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Man on Fire
Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning, Radha Mitchell, Christopher Walken View AllCrew
Tony Scott (Director), Brian Helgeland (Screenplay) View All
Release: Apr. 23rd, 2004
Runtime: 2 hours, 26 minutes
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Man on Fire
The new trailer is out and Tony Scott's new movie Man on Fire looks pretty awesome.
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Man On Fire
Hi would like to start with a brief description.Man on fire is about creasy(DENZEL WASHINGTON)who is an ex government agent who begins to lose desire to live.Until he is hired as a bodyguard for this ...
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Reviewed by

But when Creasy and Pita are overwhelmed by armed men, and despite a heroic attempt by Creasy top stop these men, Pita is kidnapped and Creasy is left hospitalised and is under investigation into the kidnapping.

Man on Fire is more or less another one of these films, though it does at least try to develop more depth than a typical film in that particular sub-genre.