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Nosferatu the Vampyre


Klaus Kinski, Isabelle Adjani, Bruno Ganz, Roland Topor View All


Werner Herzog (Director), Werner Herzog (Writer) View All

Release: Jan. 17th, 1979
Runtime: 1 hour, 47 minutes
Jonathan Harker, a real estate agent, goes to Transylvania to visit the mysterious Count Dracula and formalize the purchase of a property in Wismar. Once Jonathan is caught under his evil spell, Dracula travels to Wismar where he meets the beautiful Lucy, Jonathan's wife, while a plague spreads through the town, now ruled by death.
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Reviewed by

That would only distance the audience from the film, and ruin the close and claustrophobic atmosphere that it had just build up; as well as all the soulless, cold and lonely elements, which truly defines this film.
The atmosphere isn't there and half of the film looks like an old European TV production (this definitely isn't a compliment).
