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A History of Violence


Viggo Mortensen, Maria Bello, Heidi Hayes, Ashton Holmes View All


David Cronenberg (Director), Josh Olson (Screenplay) View All

Release: Sep. 23rd, 2005
Runtime: 1 hour, 36 minutes
An average family is thrust into the spotlight after the father commits a seemingly self-defense murder at his diner.
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25 Violence on Video
With the handling of violent, terrorist-themed material still an open question mark in Hollywood, America's largest video retail rental chain Blockbuster announced last week they will begin to attach ...
45 Exposure to Sex and Violence
Straightforward question at the bottom... Growing up, something I always found curious about my childhood was the way violence and sexuality were treated. In-particular, my exposure to them in ...
6 Surgical Violence
Hello! I was wondering if someone could help me, i need some real film buffs. I'm looking for the names of movies with some violence and blood. the thing is, i don't want this kind of messy, gunshot,...
27 Parents: Sex or Violence?
My fellow movie-lovers, I have a question for both parents and the general populace: why is it that parents are so much more tolerant of their child/children watching violent content in film than sexu...
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Reviewed by

The Prestige
BUT THEN..I did what I often do with most films I watch..I watched it again, and I have to say that never before have I done a bigger U Turn on a film than I did with Violence.
The film not only looks at mob violence, but it also looks at violence as an instrument of self defense; it looks at the possible connection between violence and genetics as Tom's son is observed dealing with a school bully in a rather unsettling way, and it even examines violence between a husband ....
This was the first Cronenberg film I had seen at the time and I actually did like it when I first watched it , but my recent second viewing has me laughing at my film taste when I was younger.
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