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Graham Greene, Eric Schweig, Gary Farmer, Noah Watts View AllCrew
Chris Eyre (Director), Adrian C. Louis (Writer), Jennifer D. Lyne (Writer) View AllRelease: Sep. 27th, 2002
Runtime: 1 hour, 24 minutes
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Not sure if this has crossed the Atlantic but either way thought it deserved a thread. It's to the Noughties what Human Traffic was to the Nineties in it's painting of today's UK society. Obviously ...
Skins (2002)
Okay, I’m definitely not a reviewer or much of a writer either for that matter… but I felt a need to say something about this one so please bear with me…
Directed by Chris Eyre
Written by Je...
A modern Frankenstein's monster with a sewn skins
This movie was not an explicit Frankenstein adaptation, so it is very hard to find!
I rented this movie on VHS from Blockbuster, is was probably from the 80s or 90s, and had the production level of a...
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