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Black and White in Color


Jean Carmet, Jacques Dufilho, Catherine Rouvel, Jacques Spiesser View All


Jean-Jacques Annaud (Director), Jean-Jacques Annaud (Writer), Georges Conchon (Writer) View All

Release: Jan. 1st, 1976
Runtime: 1 hour, 32 minutes
French colonists in Africa, several months behind in the news, find themselves at war with their German neighbors. Deciding that they must do their proper duty and fight the Germans, they promptly conscript the local native population. Issuing them boots and rifles, the French attempt to make "proper" soldiers out of the Africans. A young, idealistic French geographer seems to be the only rational person in the town, and he takes over control of...

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We didn't find any linked discussions for this film. Here are the results of a quick search of possibly related threads:
29 Black and white vs color
im sure you've gotten this a thousand times...but I just got into a heated argument with my roomate...he thinks color is a harder medium to work with while i think bllack and white seems more difficul...
3 Black and white film where a man turns color
Several years ago I watched a trailer for a (probably) low budget movie about a world where everything is in black and white. A man then starts turning color, starting with his arm first I believe, an...
2 Black and white romance
OK saw this a few years ago, no idea who was in it and dont know what decade its in all i know is that its black and white - i think. A young guy in love with a headlining actress he sees at a city...
11 Black and white movie from the 30s or 40s
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5 All I have is this .gif from a black and white movie
I found this. I swear I recognize this from childhood. I know it's a long shot but thought maybe I'd get lucky lol...

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