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The Apartment


Jack Lemmon, Shirley MacLaine, Fred MacMurray, Ray Walston View All


Billy Wilder (Director), Billy Wilder (Writer), I. A. L. Diamond (Writer) View All

Release: Jun. 21st, 1960
Runtime: 2 hours, 5 minutes
Bud Baxter is a minor clerk in a huge New York insurance company, until he discovers a quick way to climb the corporate ladder. He lends out his apartment to the executives as a place to take their mistresses. Although he often has to deal with the aftermath of their visits, one night he's left with a major problem to solve.
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Reviewed by

mark f
He eats a TV dinner and drinks a bottle of Coke (a sly preview of Wilder's next film, One, Two, Three) while he's watching late-night TV.
The Apartment certainly did for me instantly becoming not only one of my favorite classic films but one of my favorite films period.
I was shocked at how bitter sweet the movie was. Wilder did a fantastic job of mixing the comedy with the drama and I really love the way he worked the camera in some scenes..
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