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Ellen Dorrit Petersen, Henrik Rafaelsen, Vera Vitali, Marius Kolbenstvedt View All


Eskil Vogt (Writer), Eskil Vogt (Director) View All

Release: Feb. 28th, 2014
Runtime: 1 hour, 36 minutes
Having recently lost her sight, Ingrid retreats to the safety of her home—a place where she can feel in control, alone with her husband and her thoughts. After a while, Ingrid starts to feel the presence of her husband in the flat when he is supposed to be at work. At the same time, her lonely neighbor who has grown tired of even the most extreme pornography shifts his attention to a woman across the street. Ingrid knows about this but her real...
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It blurs the line between reality and fiction in a well used trope about a writer, but does so in such a clever way that the viewer doesn't really understand how it's all connected until about 50 minutes into the film.


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