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Inherit the Wind


Spencer Tracy, Fredric March, Gene Kelly, Dick York View All


Stanley Kramer (Director), Nedrick Young (Screenplay), Harold Jacob Smith (Screenplay), Jerome Lawrence (Writer) View All

Release: Jun. 24th, 1960
Runtime: 2 hours, 8 minutes
Schoolteacher Bertram Cates is arrested for teaching his students Darwin's theory of evolution. The case receives national attention and one of the newspaper reporters, E.K. Hornbeck, arranges to bring in renowned defense attorney and atheist Henry Drummond to defend Cates. The prosecutor, Matthew Brady is a former presidential candidate, famous evangelist, and old adversary of Drummond.
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Reviewed by

An element of the story revealed in the set up that was news to this reviewer is that Drummond and Brady were old friends before this trial began, bringing a layer to the proceedings we don't see coming, not to mention Henry's friendship with Brady's conflicted wife, Sarah, whose feeling about this ....
