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The Changeling


George C. Scott, Trish Van Devere, Melvyn Douglas, John Colicos View All


Peter Medak (Director), William Gray (Screenplay), Diana Maddox (Screenplay), Russell Hunter (Story) View All

Release: Mar. 28th, 1980
Runtime: 1 hour, 47 minutes
After a tragic event happens, composer John Russell moves to Seattle to try to overcome it and build a new and peaceful life in a lonely big house that has been uninhabited for many years. But, soon after, the obscure history of such an old mansion and his own past begin to haunt him.
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Reviewed by

Citizen Rules
I really liked George C Scott in this, he's one of a kind.
By haunting I mean the camera just kind of looms over staircase balconies, down dark hallways of multiple floors, and this all works in perfect conjunction with carefully made sound design and music score.
The similarities get more profound in the latter part of the film when it focuses more on the mystery solving and trying to help the ghost to find peace.
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