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The Third Man


Joseph Cotten, Alida Valli, Orson Welles, Trevor Howard View All


Orson Welles (Writer), Carol Reed (Director), Graham Greene (Screenplay) View All

Release: Aug. 31st, 1949
Runtime: 1 hour, 44 minutes
In postwar Vienna, Austria, Holly Martins, a writer of pulp Westerns, arrives penniless as a guest of his childhood chum Harry Lime, only to learn he has died. Martins develops a conspiracy theory after learning of a "third man" present at the time of Harry's death, running into interference from British officer Major Calloway, and falling head-over-heels for Harry's grief-stricken lover, Anna.
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5 Best British movie ever?
This always tops the list. Also the best Cold War themed movie....

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The Third Man begins on Holly Martin (Joseph Cotten) arriving at postwar Vienna to visit his childhood friend, Harry Lime (Orson Welles).
When it comes down to those modern day masterpieces or highly acclaimed classics, you are either going to be that first man who praises the film; that second man who despises the film; or you can be the third man, who are left standing between two different opinions, not knowing quite what to make o....
Citizen Rules
The Third Man is a intelligently written film noir, with exceptional acting and fine directing.


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