Best Comedy Group or Team


In your opinion, what is the best comedy team or group. Mine would have to be the Three Stooges.

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Didn't see it.
I like William Powell and Myrna Loy. They made a lot of great movies together. I'll have to think awhile longer to come up with the best though. They may or may not be my favorites.
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In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
If this were tv I'd have to say, The Upright Citizens Brigade, but since it's not...I'm going with Jim Carey and Jeff Daniels in Dumb and Dumber.
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In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
That show was freaking hilarious, did you see the warewolf sex episode, i was laughing for hours. I almost cried when comdey central stopped airing it.

No, didn't see that one, but I did see a clip from it. Looked funny. Did you see the one where the lady wore the vibrating boot? Hahahahaha - just so weird it has to be funny.

Some salesmen is talking to this woman (or it might have been a group of them...not sure), saying "The Vibrating Boot! Your husband will love it!"

They cut to later in the day: the husband is sitting there in a suit, tired from a day's work. The wife comes in (a guy dressed like a woman, of course), wearing this big ugly mechanial boot on one foot, and a show on another! She turns it on and it starts shaking wildly and she falls all around knocking stuff over!

The husband gets this animal look in his eye and starts taking his clothes off! It's the funniest dang thing...

Come on kids....

The late Chris Farley and David Spade!

Other than that...I'd have to say Me and all my friends. We're Crazy Bastards.
I watch movies, I eat, I lift weights, I eat again.

Farley and Spade! How could I forget!

Tommy Boy was hillarious, but let's face it: it was a *MAJOR* "Planes, Trains & Automobiles" ripoff. Big time. Black Sheep wasn't that good either, but yes they work very well together.

It's a proven formula: short, smarter, angry guy...fat, dumb, goofy guy.

Yes...good point! Dumb fat boys, smart little guys.

Spade: "God, I can hear you getting fatter."

"I think it'll be okay...they have a thin candy shell. Surprised you didn't know that..."

"I think your brain has a thick candy shell."

"Your...brain...has the shell on it."

"Are you talking?"

"Shutup, Richard."

Not only is it a fat/short guy, but they both share a bed/hotel room, they both messup the car, drive around in it all messed up, and get stopped by a cop that way.

HaHa LOL! You got it baby! I love it!

"You can't latch the hood done properly if you don't take the oil can out first, you no-good waste of space. I swear to God you're worthless!"

Actually it's "you no-selling waste of space"...and something more along the lines of "of course it won't close if you don't take the can out!"

Don't mess me with me: I'm the master.

Actually, you're more like "The Boss" of this I'm not going to say a smart-ass remark about you calling yourself "The Master."

But....I think you're probably right....I was close enough, though right?

Another great duo would be Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor. They made some very funny movies together.

Good point - didn't see much of them, but they seem quite funny from the clips. My mom is a huge Gene Wilder fan. Anyone remember "Something Wilder", his short-lived sitcom? My mom taped most of them, I think.

Bill Murray and The Gopher from Caddyshack have got to be my all time fave.
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