Idea For The Mask 2?


Anyone maybe have an idea or simple plot for maybe a Mask (1994) 2? I mean the movie DID end where a sequel can lead off... I just can't seem to figure out a way they can continue with a good enough plot?

Let me know what you think...

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Probably because Stanley(Carrey's charecter) didn't need the mask anymore. He got what he wanted. He was "The Mask" so you can't really have a sequel when the lead charecter is happy without the mask.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

Well, the title is "The Mask", which means it's ABOUT the mask itself, rather than Stanley. As such, a sequel would probably have someone else wearing it...a sequel was a possibility before, but I don't see it happening now. If they do, my money is on them luring Carrey back...perhaps he'd go in search of the mask to stop some thieves...or out of some other sort of obligation. However, I don't think Carrey will be doing many goofy movies like that anymore.

Jackie Chan finds the Mask while on a top secret case he's working on. He wears it and saves the world at the same time. It's funny and exciting.

Julia Roberts finds the Mask and uses it to try and get this guy she likes to marry her before she becomes an old maid. It's funny and romantic also throw in some bad guys somewhere.

Robert Deniro finds the Mask, I don't know the rest but it would be cool to see him freak out.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
In the movie Stanley is referred to as the mask, so I feel as if since he is the mask then no one else really can take that identity.

Well he's referred to as The Mask because he's the one wearing it, and they do't know his real name at first. Anyway, I agree that they would be incredibly unlikely to do any kind of sequel without Carrey on board, but technically, they could anyway.

Nicholas Cage finds the Mask.
Acts like himself.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
this is my last reply to this post, it's just unnessecary. They wanna bleed every movie that is a hit for everything it's worth. I am getting sick of it and wish they would put that team of writers on a new movie...fresh...something we haven't seen before. Now that's a money maker

I've got a great idea: DON'T MAKE ONE.
**** the Lakers!

MovieForums Extra
Great idea Steve! They're blood suckers, and it's probably gonna backfire in their face (which I hope it does, I loved the original Mask)!
Black Holes Suck!