MAJOR SPOILERS: endings to films


Registered User
OK my last thread was a screaming failure so heres a new one...
what is everyones favourite film ending
here are just a few of mine,
Usual Suspects
Devils Advocate
please reply or i am doomed to feel rejected for the rest of my days!

City of Angels, for evil reasons.

Registered User
Great call with "The Usual Suspects." One of the great endings.

Here's my favorite: "The Shawshank Redemption." The ending is not only beautifully shot, it's set up perfectly.

One one hand, we get get shots of Red looking at guns in a pawnshop window and reading Brooks' suicide inscription. There's some concern on the part of the audience that Red will fall prey to Brooks' despair. But he doesn't.

Instead, he proves that he has learned the most important lesson Andy brought to the prison: "Hope is a good thing. And no good thing ever dies." Red had, earlier, told Andy that hope was a dangerous thing. But, on a bus bound for the Mexican border, Red hopes fervently. He hopes the Pacific is as blue as it has been in his dreams. he hopes he will see his friend again. He hopes . . . .

Powerful stuff.

Casablanca, JFK, Do the Right Thing, Walkabout, Apocalypse Now, Shawshank, All Kubricks movies, E.T., Bridge on the River Kwai...There's wayyyy too many to list. I suppose I'd also have to say Ikiru. It's one of the most moving endings I've ever seen.
**** the Lakers!

  • The Usual Suspects.
  • The Shawshank Redemption.
  • Unbreakable.
  • Fallen.
  • Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.
  • The Thomas Crown Affair.
That's all that comes to mind right now.

Registered User
Karate Kid!


Rocky (the first one - that's when people realise that it's not about boxing but it's a lovestory)

All the ones recently that have had a twist (Sixth Sense, Fight Club, Unbreakable etc.).

Registered User
heres another, final destination. it of a lame movie, but what an ending!
and i think the worst ending ever is city of angels, it goes exactly where you dont want it to!why oh why do you like it sunfrog?

For evil reasons. Heheehee.
I don't like Meg Ryan

I can pretend that things last.
Well..there are diff types of endings.Depends on the mood.Sad,happy,climatic,heroic,depressing,etc,.

here are mine:
  • Casablanca
  • One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest
  • Shawshank Redemption
  • Taxi Driver
  • Singin' in the Rain
  • Duck Soup/Night at the Opera/Day at the Races
  • Enter the Dragon
  • It's a Wonderful Life
  • High Noon

I havent seen Usual Suspects and Unbreakable yet

Sometimes you wake up. Sometimes the fall kills you. And sometimes when you fall, you fly.

Registered User
you havent seen usual suspects! you havent lived my friend! but dont worry you arent missing much with unbreakable, only worth it for the ending.
ooh thought of another one, what about con air?

"does the new shooter feel lucky, well does he?"
"yes, yes he does."

Don't you DARE talk smack about Unbreakable. The ending I could have gone with or without -- the movie would have been stunning anyway. Visually mind-boggling in the old-fashioned way: with camera angles.

Registered User
i accept that but you have to say the story was a little bit lame. I mean Bruce Willis, a superhero? come on you might as well make Sooty the star of Jurassic Park! i think i do not appreciate this as well as americans would because the comic industry never really took off here. but ok, fair comment, no more bad mouthing Unbreakable.

Spoilers notice needed. I don't think it was far-fetched at all. The point of the movie, I think, is that far-out stories are grounded in truth, the same way some stereotypes are grounded in truth. I think the concept that fairy tales and comic books are simply exaggerated versions of the truth is incredibly fascinating, don't you?

Bruce Willis is a great looking normal guy, and that's why he was chosen. He's not Clark Kent or Bruce Wayne. He's not particularly charming or even interesting. It goes back to the whole comic book thing: superheroes exist, but they don't fly, and they don't have perfect hair...they are simply everyday men and women who have special talents, and a specific purpose.

Registered User
I think that was a bit too long for this time of the day, but thanks anyway.

You think that post is long? Dang, you're gonna faint at some of the ones in the other major threads. Two paragraphs is nothin' in comparison.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
My two all time fav endings:

Se7en- perfect, perfect, perfect. Surprised no one said it yet.


Palmetto- saw it only once, but it was damn great. It fit the movie so well. Watching it on one of those 5 BBC channels made that long arse trip to England even better.
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Originally posted by OG-
Palmetto- saw it only once, but it was damn great. It fit the movie so well. Watching it on one of those 5 BBC channels made that long arse trip to England even better.
I had forgotten about that movie. Palmetto was a movie that surprised me. I rented it one day, and I wasn't really expecting much, but I ended up liking it a lot.