Obscure 70s TV Movie: Witch Traps Modern Woman in Basement/Cellar


That's pretty much all I know, though it's part of a longer narrative pertaining to the well-worn allegory of a proud/naive/vulnerable urban family venturing into the countryside and encountering a centuries-old evil along with the intractable children of the corn types inhabiting such flicks.

It was originally shown on one of the 3 major networks, and had a feeling like it was being broadcast live a la Prince of Darkness, and very claustrophobic.

It's not Frailty - - nor is it Crowhaven Farm or Something Evil or Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, though these are similar in tone/feel, and perhaps worth a look for those intrigued by the hapless city mice in over their heads amidst the tall corn/inside the haunted house genre.

With what looks like a nearly 50% solve rate here, you all may be my best bet, but this is a toughie, and little to go on!

Registered User
So, this was broadcast in the 70s on TV. You say "three major networks" so I am guessing you saw this in USA? Did it take place in the USA (Your description sounds a bit like British Folk Horror). ? Did it take place in the decade you saw it, ie the 1970s? If it was an American made-for-TV movie from the 1970s, it would have been actually pretty tame, no stronger than a PG style.

So, this was broadcast in the 70s on TV. You say "three major networks" so I am guessing you saw this in USA? Did it take place in the USA (Your description sounds a bit like British Folk Horror). ? Did it take place in the decade you saw it, ie the 1970s? If it was an American made-for-TV movie from the 1970s, it would have been actually pretty tame, no stronger than a PG style.
It does sound like British folk horror, but it's definitely the US - Salem or thereabouts I'm guessing.

I saw a piece of it in some re-broadcast context, and could tell it was from the 70s and really seemed like a network TV flick.

What fascinated me was that it SHOULD have been tame/lame, but was really compelling in terms of psychological terror.

I'm just wondering if I was in some kind of emotionally vulnerable place, or if there's some lost genre classic floating around out there!

This sounds like the right timeframe, but I must have missed any Bette Davis scenes, as I'd remember her. (I only saw a few minutes of the movie, and got too scared to continue watching!)

I'll check it out & report back - thanks to all!


I've checked out the trailer, and am now thinking that maybe the mystery flick wasn't a TV movie, as the quality was similar to this one. I don't think this is it, though a superb guess. What made it so terrifying was a Dreyer-like claustrophobia which drew me in and made me feel like I was trapped in the cellar along with the woman!

This sounds like the right timeframe, but I must have missed any Bette Davis scenes, as I'd remember her. (I only saw a few minutes of the movie, and got too scared to continue watching!)

I'll check it out & report back - thanks to all!


I've checked out the trailer, and am now thinking that maybe the mystery flick wasn't a TV movie, as the quality was similar to this one. I don't think this is it, though a superb guess. What made it so terrifying was a Dreyer-like claustrophobia which drew me in and made me feel like I was trapped in the cellar along with the woman!
Just to clarify, Harvest Home was made-for-tv. That VHS box shows a 2hr runtime but it was originally a 3-4 hour miniseries.

Might want to give this site a look.

I've got a book written by the blogger but I don't currently have access to it. Seems to be the current TV Movie expert.

Also, now that I realize you've only seen a few minutes of the film, you might want to look into anthology series like Night Gallery, Circle of Fear, etc

Just to clarify, Harvest Home was made-for-tv. That VHS box shows a 2hr runtime but it was originally a 3-4 hour miniseries.

Might want to give this site a look.

I've got a book written by the blogger but I don't currently have access to it. Seems to be the current TV Movie expert.

Also, now that I realize you've only seen a few minutes of the film, you might want to look into anthology series like Night Gallery, Circle of Fear, etc
Ah. No wonder HH has that less than fully cinematic look.

The movie I'm speaking of was definitely a movie and not part of any anthology, and though in color, I'd liken it to those few TZs shot on video, as it had a very present look to it, as though a TV camera was broadcasting the trapped woman live. Very intense.

Thank you for the resources, and maybe someday I'll find this odd little gem again!

Registered User
I am wondering how you can be so certain it was a made-for-TV movie, and not an episode of an anthology.

I am wondering how you can be so certain it was a made-for-TV movie, and not an episode of an anthology.
Numerous reasons, including my strong familiarity with these period series, from DON and ET to NG and GS/COF and back again, though it did have much of the intensely brilliant flavor of the masterful WAICTY, though of course in color and not British.

The film in question was was a very unusual full length piece, unique really, and I wish I could recall more about it!