The Ladykillers

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just saw this film...another one from the coen had it's cute moments, but not one of tom hanks best films

my favorite characters in the entire film were the painting on the wall and mrs. munson...

Murderous Whirlwind of Wit
I am a tiny bit interested in seeing "The Ladykillers", although incredibly tentative due to the Coen's last dive "Intolerable Cruelty", a considerable left turn in the Hollywood direction.

I believe that they are truly talented and bright filmmakers with a resume that anyone would die for. But I just hope they regain their independent prestige as they did earlier on in their career.

Does it compare with any of their other films for story, structure, shock value, violence or characters?

Too bad you weren't impressed, unlike the familiarity of consensus from a Coen film.



"Don't believe the HYPE!"

Ladykillers Not to Die For
While The Ladykillers doesn't meet the high standard of most other Coen Brothers films, a memorable protagonist and plenty of quirk justifies the price of admission ...MORE

Ah, there it is...I thought you had forgotten.

Great review Master Yodaler!

I liked it more than you did. It is rather slow at times, and sometimes it seemed to over the top with its character exaggerations, but it was still good fun. My biggest complaint is the excessive use of the f-word by Wayans. Not that I'm easily offended, but it just seemed so unnecessary in a film where fine dialect was at a premium. It could have been sold to a larger audience if it weren't for that, and it also seemed rather stereotypical.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

thanks for the thread..i tried several times to delete the thread i started and start a new one..but you did it for me..thanks again...

i understand the original is better altho i haven't seen it as of yet..i did order it however...has anyone seen it? i'd love to hear about it....

Put me in your pocket...
Originally Posted by susan
just saw this film...another one from the coen had it's cute moments, but not one of tom hanks best films

my favorite characters in the entire film were the painting on the wall and mrs. munson...
I just saw The LadyKillers last night. Like you susan...this isn't a favorite Tom Hanks movie for me. He was the reason we ended up seeing this, and there were parts of the movie he got on my nerves. I thought the movie was funny in some parts, odd in other parts....and a bit excessive in other parts.

I LOVED Mrs. Munson (Irma P. Hall). She was/is the reason to see this movie. She shined as the no-nonsense, god fearing/loving, speaking her mind character. I also got a kick out of Pickles the cat.

I also loved the music. That gospel choir was great.

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
]My biggest complaint is the excessive use of the f-word by Wayans. Not that I'm easily offended, but it just seemed so unnecessary in a film where fine dialect was at a premium. It could have been sold to a larger audience if it weren't for that, and it also seemed rather stereotypical.
I agree with you Bri. Wayans use of the f-word was way too much for me. There were times Wayans character got on my nerves. He repeated himself alot....the whole "Waffle Hut" scene was just odd to me. It was great to see him get slapped by Mrs Munson...and for her to give him a piece of her mind.

Also...Tom Hanks' Walt Whitman like character's flowery talk got to me from time to time. Maybe it's the way he did it....I dunno...there were times I thought it sounded beautiful (when he was talking to the ladies over for tea)...and times it was just too much (when he was talking to his cohorts in the basement) and it got on my nerves. It didn't bother my husband tho.

As far as the sterotypes....if this were a serious drama it was have bothered me enormously....but as a quirky, odd, somewhat dark comedy the stereo types weren't as offensive to me. But, I do see what you mean Bri. Many people might have been turned off by the sterotypes.

finally did see the original with alec guiness and peter sellers who are both absolutely marvelous...the old woman steals the movie again...

there were clever bits in both films..but there are some differences

Put me in your pocket...
Originally Posted by susan
finally did see the original with alec guiness and peter sellers who are both absolutely marvelous...the old woman steals the movie again...

there were clever bits in both films..but there are some differences
Susan, I'll have to see if I can find the original movie. Thanks for bringing it up. What's the major difference between the two versions?

Originally Posted by Aniko
Susan, I'll have to see if I can find the original movie. Thanks for bringing it up. What's the major difference between the two versions?
how they come by the money for one thing..the original plot is very clever

and in the original they dump the bodies on the train tracks to get rid of them..the use of barges was better in that instance

i didnt like it much, just a 1 out of 4 for me. had some clever parts, i particularly liked the painting, the barge [a big improvement over the train used to dispose of the evidence in the original] and the bit with "the raven". i'm not a hanks fan and i thought wayans and the old woman were pretty dull, but i did like the general and pancake, and that fat black guy who couldnt stop laughing, that was a nice touch. what it boils down to is i think we should expect more from the coens. even the dissapointing 'intollerable cruelty' was at least somewhat new territory for them. this just felt stale.

probably the funniest part of the movie for me was just knowing that "waffle hut" is a real franchise, and seeing it in this picture. a couple winters ago i was camping out in the mountains of georgia and stopped at several waffle huts while i was driving down there, as well as "waffle inns" and whatever other waffle dives i could spot along the way. quite a lark.

Get Low, Get Low, Get Low
Different...I really enjoy Tom Hanks' performances. I thought it was humorous though. That's my review.
Seek me, for comfort, call me, for Solace, I'll be waiting, for the end of my broken heart..

Plus a lady fan of PimpDaShizzle V2.0 and Most importantly JRS

Originally Posted by moviefan20
Different...I really enjoy Tom Hanks' performances. I thought it was humorous though. That's my review.
Short, sweet and straight to the point.

As for me, Tom was great...and Marlon Wayons? What a character. . I had a heck of a time.