Zack Snyder would like to know all your thoughts on God


...because it would be totally sweet if he killed folks and kept up with the times in a visually extravagant and slow motion - tastic lifestyle.

First I would like Snyder to show his evidence and which god's existence it allegedly supports.

First I would like Snyder to show his evidence and which god's existence it allegedly supports.
I dunno if you clicked the link, but the title's sort of a joke, it's not actually about theism.

I dunno if you clicked the link, but the title's sort of a joke, it's not actually about theism.
I didn't because that site usually has a paywall and it only gives you so many free articles

Call me old fashioned, but the idea of what makes a hero a hero is that although they easily could kill even (in some cases) without fear of consequences, they choose not to as part of a moral code.

Aside from his earliest appearances where he carried a gun and threw gangsters off roof tops, the only thing that makes Batman a "hero" is his decision not to kill or use lethal firearms (sadly, many modern movies have dispensed with such old-fashioned morality for characters that went generations practicing codes of ethics as an example that with great power comes great responsibility).

Without the no killing clause, Batman is no different than a violent vigilante or criminal or the very types of psychotic criminals he combats who believe they are above all law, all codes, and all morality.

I found Snyder's little treatise a bit disturbing... (Another "artiste" who wants to turn characters away from their foundations by making them his own as opposed to belonging to the public in a sense that they once were role models of moral & ethical concepts for children).

Let Snyder make Punisher movies if he wants to tell the stories of murderous vigilantes (and don't get me wrong - as an adult, I love murderous vigilante stories, what I don't love is someone deciding that our former heroes are now their murderous vigilantes).

We don't need him turning Batman or Superman into the Punisher because it's now "hip" to turn former heroes into murderers.

Okay, let the flames fly...

I always felt that Batman never killed because of he did, he wouldn't be able to work with the police.

Of course, this leads to my further belief that Batman is less a superhero, and more of a cop.

...because it would be totally sweet if he killed folks and kept up with the times in a visually extravagant and slow motion - tastic lifestyle.

Sounds like he wants Batman as he was portrayed in the Old Testament, e.g. Knightfall 19:24–25.

I go back and forth on Snyder a lot but don't want to make this a referendum on him in total or anything. Just focusing on the things he's saying in the article itself:

I don't know that I 100% agree with him, but I think he's saying some interesting and valuable things here. I think he's basically saying that, if you have a character who has an unshakeable value that defines them, it's kind of criminal from a storytelling perspective not to push them on that, to explore that, which means possibly/arguably telling a version of the story where they falter on that front.

He should contact Dishwalla, maybe they know.
Just got this reference.