Marvel Studios Casts Vanessa Kirby and Joseph Quinn for Fantastic Four


In a much-anticipated move, Marvel Studios has reportedly found its Sue Storm and Johnny Storm for the upcoming Fantastic Four movie. After acquiring the rights to the iconic superhero team from Fox, the studio has been working diligently to bring Marvel’s First Family into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The casting of Vanessa Kirby and Joseph Quinn in the roles of Sue Storm (Invisible Woman) and Johnny Storm (Human Torch) has generated significant buzz among fans and industry insiders alike.

a person who likes to watch movies

Anyone looking forward to Fantastic Four Reboot?

Welcome to the human race...
You have to prove that they've been cast by linking to an official announcement, otherwise this is nothing more than rumour or speculation or even just wishful thinking.

Anyway, I'm not looking forward to the reboot. The MCU as a whole has been sliding in quality over the past few years and it's debatable as to how good it was in the first place - I think the fact that there's been so much trouble settling on a cast for this movie is symptomatic of that decline as creators are reluctant to not only get dragged into a franchise that has already peaked but doing so as part of a specific IP that has had multiple infamously bad movies based on it already.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Thanks for the reminder, next time I post, I will definitely post something confirmed with an official link. The quality of Marvel's movies is indeed declining, and old-fashioned plots can easily bring aesthetic fatigue. On the subject of the cast in the Fantastic Four reboot, I read the news here and frankly, I expected it to be true. expect。
You have to prove that they've been cast by linking to an official announcement, otherwise this is nothing more than rumour or speculation or even just wishful thinking.

Anyway, I'm not looking forward to the reboot. The MCU as a whole has been sliding in quality over the past few years and it's debatable as to how good it was in the first place - I think the fact that there's been so much trouble settling on a cast for this movie is symptomatic of that decline as creators are reluctant to not only get dragged into a franchise that has already peaked but doing so as part of a specific IP that has had multiple infamously bad movies based on it already.

In a much-anticipated move, Marvel Studios has reportedly found its Sue Storm and Johnny Storm for the upcoming Fantastic Four movie. After acquiring the rights to the iconic superhero team from Fox, the studio has been working diligently to bring Marvel’s First Family into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The casting of Vanessa Kirby and Joseph Quinn in the roles of Sue Storm (Invisible Woman) and Johnny Storm (Human Torch) has generated significant buzz among fans and industry insiders alike.

I'm looking forward to further developments, like director, is it going to end up being Disney+ only? and all that sort of thing. I'm probably one of the few people I know that enjoyed the Fantastic Four films that had Michael Chiklis as The Thing and Chris Evans as The Human Torch. They made a good pairing as the two of the group who constantly picked at each other, with funny results. And Jessica Alba wasn't bad to look at although she wasn't my idea of Sue Storm. So, with this casting, if it lasts, what with the strike going on Hollywood and no signs of letup, makes it promising. But to be honest, I liked the Fanstastic Four films because they were kind of their own thing and didn't have to be part of a big team-up thing. I liked all the Marvel hero movies up to and including Avengers: Endgame. But I pretty much stopped there. That whole scenario had twenty some-odd films to lead up to the big blowout and I feel that was enough. So when Phase Four came, I was out. So, if they keep them on their own away from all the other Marvel characters/heroes, I might be in on this thing. I'm watching the news with interest, strike being a bummer. Thanks for the news!
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Anyone looking forward to Fantastic Four Reboot?

It depends, the problem in the past has been what should be a LOTR 10 Hour epic is told in a one film shot. The FF have never been about short stories they are epics and so many writers have told brilliant stories with them.