You get three movie characters as your body guards?


So you have a target on your head and you can only have 3 bodyguards. Who would you choose? Ground rules... You could only pick movie characters without superpowers and they can't be god's or aliens robots etc. Also you can't choose the same characters as each other.

Here's mine

John Wick
David.. from "The guest"
Burns.. from platoon.

Ace Ventura
Martin Beck - Problem Child
Ruby Rhod - The Fifth Element

Hey, no one could pull himself/herself together and attack me with that team.
Back to the 80s!

I'd just clone this guy three times.

You need three, just in case one of them can't resist boozing and cavorting with the ladies.

What's the name of the actor?

Weng Weng

But in my case I would make it Weng Weng Weng

How do you know they won't turn on you? Since you did hint that character is easily distracted 😂

Need a tank who can anchor your defense and intimidate suckas: Mr. T., Chewbacca, Amos (The Expanse), Tea'lc (Stargate), Jane (Firefly).

Need an attractive agent who can infiltrate the enemy, but also plausibly stand beside you discretely without projecting an "attack dog" vibe. Pick your fetish super-chick or super-dude.

Need a wise tactician to Gandalf your Hobbit ass out of tough situations with wisdom, diplomacy, logistical acumen, common sense, and life experience. Grizzled, but still able to run a mile faster than you can.

Kikuchiyo---The Seven Samurai (the most badass one)
Bryan Mills---Taken (he wiped out a third of Albania)
Beatrix Kiddo---Kill Bill Volumes 1-2

I oughta be fine with those three.

Todd 3465 (from Soldier, loyal lethal one man army)
Lorraine Broughton (from Atomic Blonde, an elite spy should keep me safe)
Raymond Smith (from The Gentlemen, a bodyguard with taste and class)

I got:

Arnold the Terminator from T2.
Clint the bodyguard from In the Line of Fire
Liam Neeson from the Takens.

Kevin Costner)

I got:

Arnold the Terminator from T2.
Clint the bodyguard from In the Line of Fire
Liam Neeson from the Takens.

They must be human also Liam neeson in taken has already been chosen by someone

Weng Weng

But in my case I would make it Weng Weng Weng

They must be human also Liam neeson in taken has already been chosen by someone

Neeson is an actor. Others can claim different characters portrayed by him.

Neeson is an actor. Others can claim different characters portrayed by him.

His character in Taken has been Taken 😄