a really good horror movie since scream.


i just thought of the thread when i woke up this morning. so i was wondering if u guys could name some really good horror movies that can out since scream(u cant count scream 2 and 3 because i no people who think they r better than the original but i dont). the only horror movie i have seen since then that i think wasnt bad was Halloween H20. alot of people said the Ring was good but i never saw it so i cant say. wut do u guys think.

Depends which Ring you are on about. The Ring (American version) was completely overrated and wasn't really worth considering as a horror (unless you place it under the cheesy ones category). However, the Japanese version is excellent (though the prequel and sequel leave alot to be desired). As horror movies go, I think the old ones such as Halloween can never be out done.

The Ring was NOT I repeat scary, it was cheesy and low budget. What was the hype about the movie was terrible and not worth the film it was put on.

By far the best horror film, well I prefer pschological thrillers, the best horror film has got to be The Changling. And Rose Red, by Stephen King, love those films and of course The Omen.

well i never saw the ring but u said i twas cheesy and low budget. dont forget the the first Halloween was very low budget. they only had $300,000 (well u can add another $20,000 for Donald Pleasance slary) and this movie is one of the greatest Horror movies ever made. i like low budget because the thing that made Halloween so good was that it worked off of suspense and not gore because GORE IS NOT SCARY.

I must agree the the two other posters. I am old school when it comes to scary movies. You could not go wrong with any of the following:

"Halloween" the original

"The Exorcist" possibly the scariest movie ever made

"When a Stranger calls" your phone will never sound the same

"Damien I and II" The music alone is scary. The third was a bit of a dud.

"Rosemary's baby" A cult classic

The 70's was the best decade for scary movies in my opinion.

Originally Posted by CrazyforMovies
The Ring was NOT I repeat scary
You repeat whatnow?

Anyway, speaking of The Ring, I'll have to mention that Japanese cinema is much scarier than Hollywood shall ever be - Ring, Audition, The Eye (although that was actually Korean), Dark Water, etc... Who can complain?

Otherwise, scary movies... Scary movies...

*ponders, strokes chin*

Nope, not been many this side of the pond since the early nineties...

Sparky xXx
Why plant a tree just to watch it burn?

i jus wanna clear this up this thread was not about ur favorite horror movies its askin u guys if u no any really good horror movies that have come out after scream cuz i cant think of any. but if u want u can talk about ur favorites cuz i dont give a damn.

the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre is the scaries I've ever seen. Although I prefer the oldies this one is the one that scared me the most.
Remember, remember, the 5th of November
I'm afraid I must bid you adieu.
He woke up one night with a terrible fright
And found he was eating his shoe.

scream sux major ass titys so go die

Originally Posted by escalade
scream sux major ass titys so go die

What a bunch of crap, Scream rocks man.

go die halloween 1 was cool that was the only one i saw though so die die die die die die die die die die die die die and die

Originally Posted by escalade
go die halloween 1 was cool that was the only one i saw though so die die die die die die die die die die die die die and die

The Others and 28 Days Later are a couple of recent ones that I can think of, though I've never been of the opinon that there are really that many good horror movies all together, some, but not many.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

Originally Posted by MichaelMyers
i jus wanna clear this up this thread was not about ur favorite horror movies its askin u guys if u no any really good horror movies that have come out after scream cuz i cant think of any. but if u want u can talk about ur favorites cuz i dont give a damn.

Well I think asking people IF they know of any good scary films AFTER scream ; is basically asking the same as what other good scary films are made prior ; before; during ; including Scream. However if you can clarify that you did not want to know what other good Scary films are other there. Right now I am waiting for Dawn of the Dead about very scary scary Zombies...can't wait.

Originally Posted by CrazyforMovies
Well I think asking people IF they know of any good scary films AFTER scream ; is basically asking the same as what other good scary films are made prior ; before; during ; including Scream.
Yeaahhhh, no.

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
Yeaahhhh, no.
Yeah I must agree with Slayton, that makes no sense. How can asking about good movies AFTER scream be the same as asking what came before? That makes no sense.

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
The Others and 28 Days Later are a couple of recent ones that I can think of, though I've never been of the opinon that there are really that many good horror movies all together, some, but not many.
Never saw 28 Days Later but the Others is grrrrrrrrreat! That is one of the very very few movies that can scare me by just being REALLY frickin creepy. No jumps or scares, just good plot and extremely creepy. And most of the old horror movies are good IMO but there are only a handful of recent ones that I like. Texas Chainsaw Massacre and the Others being two, plus the Scream Trilogy.

Ok, AFTER the movie Scream. We saw Jeepers Creepers..I found it disturbing and it scared uhe daylights out of me. It was more of a disgusting scary film. As I mentioned I love pschological horror films.

Could there not be so much gore and violence added to 'scary' films. I see why so the element of evil must be so prevalent in 'scary' films; there could be more of a heart pounding creepy element added we don't need so much gore.
Godfather ~~
Tessio: It's a Sicilian message. It means Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.