Happy Anniversary SuperMetro!


Thank you Movie Forum users for honoring such an occurrence. I could never name any other forum board that treats its users like actual people and has a mature userbase.

I had a really good year with 2022, since that was when I started to watch movies religiously. I started getting into numerous foreign films as well as older/classic movies. I got to say, everything paid off and I feel inspired by the stuff I watched. I know I am equal to mostly everyone on the planet, but I still feel rather accomplished of myself for having went my way to check out a large variety of movies that most people of my age would never have seen. My favorite new viewings of 2022 could be seen here. If I could change the list, I would probably substitute La Dolce Vita for Nashville, Ikiru for Seventh Seal, and probably replace La Strada with Rosemary's Baby since I watched the most movies in October and sadly did not include one to represent it. I would also add Cabaret and Petra von Kant into the honorable mentions as well.

In 2023, I actually figured out how to watch more movies a week(figuring out a schedule throughout the day and making sure I finish my shower early so that I could watch the movie by 8pm). I also had Criterion Channel under my wing as well.
My favorite movies I saw in 2023 so far would have to be: Three Women, It Happened One Night, Deep End, Stolen Kisses, Red Shoes, Fruit of Paradise, and Paris Belongs To Us(Finally!).
Paris Belongs To Us would probably be considered one of the greatest had it came out in 1958, but it came out 3 years late and instead we are worshipping the great 400 Blows(Antoine and his parents went to see that movie) and Breathless(Godard had a pretty funny brief appearance in PBTU).

A system of cells interlinked
Happy Anniversary!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell