Horror Movie Motives


Someone Save Us College Kids
Okay to particpate in this disscussion you will name a famous killer from a horror movie and name there motives. What drives them to kill people. Share your knowlege of the masters of horror (dramatic) .

Gohst Face. From the movie Screem1,2, and 3. Very little is known is about him. In each movie they have changed the killers and they have each been killed off. The inventor of the killer was originaly the main charecters brother. He was shunned as a child and wanted revenge on the one who disgarded him like trash. So he inffluenced 2 boys to kill a huge number of high school students, just to get to one girl named Sidney. Each one he sent has been killed one by one, till he showed up himself and decided "if you cant get it done do it by your self". Then he was killed and finaly ended a great horror movie series.

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A PainFull DarkEndCorner
Jason Voorhees has a few killing motives in my mind.
1.In the first film Jason's mother is revenging what the camp had done to her son. Once his mother is killed Jason rises to take revenge on his mothers killer in the second movie. In Freddy VS Jason you see that Freddy transforms into Mrs.Voorhees to command jason. Which further proves this motive.
2.I'm sure im gonna get a few replys about this next one but ohh well. The kids at Crystal Lake killed Jason maybe he feels anyone who comes into the lake area is threatning him and therefore he has to kill them
3. Of course the most well known one is that the camp counslers were off bumping uglies instead of watching the children. I'd bet 1/3 of jasons victims are horny people
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A PainFull DarkEndCorner
I would be really interested in seeing what a few people have to say about Michael Myers killing motive....i would really love to see what everyone thinks

Darkness Falls (crappy movie)
Toothfairy: I was nice. now I'm ugly. no one liked me, they blamed me then killed me now I take revenge.

Originally Posted by DarkEndCorner
I would be really interested in seeing what a few people have to say about Michael Myers killing motive....i would really love to see what everyone thinks
Actually I have no freakin clue what the hell is his motive???

Freddy Krueger is sick and demented thats pretty much it. He killed before he was burned the only difference is afterwards he directed his murders to the children of those townspeople that burned him all happening to live on Elm Street. If memory serves me correctly he went through dreams because thats the only way he existed... in memory.

Someone Save Us College Kids
Originally Posted by DarkEndCorner
I would be really interested in seeing what a few people have to say about Michael Myers killing motive....i would really love to see what everyone thinks
When michael myers was 7 years old he killed his 14 yr old sister with a sharp kictchen knife. Thus startin the first of many kills. Some people believe michael was abused as a child and was his sisters were treated like queens. also if you see Halloween 6 they have a supernatural reason for him killing his famiy. For every Halloween he must sacrifice one of his family members or some hoky things like um realy he isnt my special but theshape82 would know more.

Don't tell Robin I'm here!!
Originally Posted by Frank Castle
When michael myers was 7 years old he killed his 14 yr old sister with a sharp kictchen knife. Thus startin the first of many kills. Some people believe michael was abused as a child and was his sisters were treated like queens. also if you see Halloween 6 they have a supernatural reason for him killing his famiy. For every Halloween he must sacrifice one of his family members or some hoky things like um realy he isnt my special but theshape82 would know more.
1) Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Leatherface is a freakin' psycho.
2) American Psycho - The American Psycho is a freakin' psycho.
3) Psycho - Norman Bates is a freakin' psycho.
4) Gothamboy - Gothamboy is a freakin' psycho.

Oh crap, did I say that last one out loud?? Ummm, I'm just...gonna'.....go over here.......

Gothamboy doesn't play well with others.

The problem is I could never actually sit through any of the Halloweens long enough to see it in it's entirty. I got bored so easily with them. it was kindafunny seeing Jamie finally die in the first half hour of resurrection though.
Barbosa: "Thank You Jack."
Jack Sparrow: "...Your Welcome."
Barbosa: "No. We named the monkey Jack."

Pirates of The Carribean

Originally Posted by gothamboy
1) Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Leatherface is a freakin' psycho.
2) American Psycho - The American Psycho is a freakin' psycho.
3) Psycho - Norman Bates is a freakin' psycho.
4) Gothamboy - Gothamboy is a freakin' psycho.

Oh crap, did I say that last one out loud?? Ummm, I'm just...gonna'.....go over here.......

Gothamboy doesn't play well with others.

Sorry, but who is Gothamboy, i may be missing a joke here or something, but can u say wot film hes in, ive never heard of him

Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
Sorry, but who is Gothamboy, i may be missing a joke here or something, but can u say wot film hes in, ive never heard of him
He was referring to himself it was a stupid joke

Michael Myers killing motive is that he has a curse on him (explained in Halloween 6 the curse of Michael Myers) its called thorn it means when someone has to kill every person in his family. so that is his motive for killing. u guys seemed to be confused so now u no.

And to think it only took them 6 films to point that out

I think horror movie motives are pretty much universal through out every horror movie, it just depends upon the character.

The Devil Worshiper
At least in "Rosemary's Baby," it was to find someone to bear the devil's child, and if they killed, it was to prevent anyone from discovering this.

Dr. Jekyll
To explore his darker or Mr. Hyde side, and killing was a part of that.

A religious or anti-religious motivation. He wants to be like god and create life, and if he kills, he kills to prevent people from stopping him.

The Ghost
Motivated by some task left undone, and he or she kills--again--to prevent anyone from stopping them till the task is completed.

The Mummy
Motivated by romance and to find a lost love, and he kills anyone in his way of finding romance.

The Werewolf
Motivated by an uncontrollable need to turn into a raving beast, when the moon is full, and killing is a part of this need.

The Zombie
The later zombie like the werewolf is motivated by an uncontrollable need, and like the vampire the need is to feed and to kill.

The Vampire
Only the vampire seems to be motivated by different needs to kill. There is the need to feed. Some from synthetic blood, others from animal blood, and still others from human blood from a blood band, but some are forced to kill and feed off of humans.
Horror of Dracula
The need to kill was even more basic then that, it was kill or be killed during the first scenes of the film.
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Like the mummy, the vampire was looking for romance and a lost love, and he killed anyome who got in his way of his need.
Vampire Circus
The vampires killed for revenge on the villagers who had killed another vampire earlier in the film.

Lady Sylvia Marsh (Amanda Donohoe)
Like the vampire, her need to kill in "Lair of the White Worm" varied. First, was her need to feed her pet, which she kept in a lair below her house, and to which she fed one or two people a year. Better if the person was a devout Christian, then the need to kill was based on her need to avenge herself on the Christians who had defiled her pagan temple some 1600 years before. And, in like some horror films, her sexual needs also played a role in her need to kill.

Originally Posted by Frank Castle
When michael myers was 7 years old he killed his 14 yr old sister with a sharp kictchen knife. Thus startin the first of many kills. Some people believe michael was abused as a child and was his sisters were treated like queens. also if you see Halloween 6 they have a supernatural reason for him killing his famiy. For every Halloween he must sacrifice one of his family members or some hoky things like um realy he isnt my special but theshape82 would know more.
the sister he killed was 17 years old not 14
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

Pinhead- Hellraiser

-As a cenobite it is his duty to hell to bring sinners down to hell through the portal opened by the puzzle box

-A former british (world war 1 if I remember correctly) soldier who was killed in action. That could be a reason for anybody to get revenge.

-He's been tortured in hell. After being tortured in hell (hence the pins in his head) and seeing and participating in many brutal torturings, he's going to want to kill more and more.

-He's been destroyed before. After Frank and the others put him to the end, he's more liable to be pissed off at humans.
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