Old Judo Movie ( 15-20 or more years old )



I'm searching for a movie is a film with judo ( or judoka )or karate( i think its judo because it has moves alot from judo ), what I remember is a bit, a fat asian trains an American blond, I remember a stage on the beach when he tells him to dig a hole and put his feet in the hole and the trainer puts a board on his feet and says jump, next info, after a while his master disappears or is killed, and finally the American fights in a tournament, and is getting beat up by his opponent but then he sees his master at the door and that gives him strength and beats his opponent with a blow to the neck and a elbow lock . Also the american is wearing a red uniform for sports like judo.. By the way the movie is older, i'd say that I saw it around 15-20 years ago or more. Excuse any mistakes and Thanks.

And no , it aint Karate Kid xD .

Maybe: Karate Warrior, also known as Fist of Power or The Boy in the Golden Kimono (1987) ?

I'm looking for prison movie:

Heya , thanks for the answer but it aint that one.

I will look for your movie, but I don't have any idea at the moment. I think that it's something from long list of the low-budget movies from 80's or 90's. I found movies similar to "Karate Kid". There are "Sidekicks" (1992) and "A Dangerous Place" (1994), but it doesn't fit to your description.

And my guess: is chance that fat Asian man was played by Sammo Hung or rather not?

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
It's College Kickboxers aka Trained to Fight. He was teaching kung fu. The Asian is stuntman Tang Tak-Wing and the American is Ken McLeod. It came out 30 years ago this year.

It's All About the Movies

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
"Oh, and it's not Ka....."
*KICKS poster off the stage and yanks mic away*
IT'S KARATE KID, MOTHER ********S!!!!1!!11!!
*drops mic and confidently struts off stage*

"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

It's College Kickboxers aka Trained to Fight. He was teaching kung fu. The Asian is stuntman Tang Tak-Wing and the American is Ken McLeod. It came out 30 years ago this year.
WorldFilmGeek is right. I watched "College Kickboxers" today and it's definitely movie from description OP. It's very good.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
WorldFilmGeek is right. I watched "College Kickboxers" today and it's definitely movie from description OP. It's very good.
Tang also choreographed the fight scenes. I will tell you all this, which was awesome. I reviewed the film for a now defunct martial arts film site and the actor who played the final opponent, Jeff Langton, commented and said how much he enjoyed making the film and had the utmost respect for Tang and wishes he could catch up with him again.