Evil Dead 2 vs. Army of Darkness


Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I watched the Evil Dead trilogy. I didn't care for the first one and found it disappointing, thinking it relied on the same effects over and over again and got repetitive. However, I read that they had to do rewrites during shooting to cover shooting schedule problems, so the plot probably suffered as a result I am guessing.

The second one does this too, but I found it to be a lot creative in it's ideas and more fun overall. The third is as well, throwing in everything but the kitchen sink. This is good for some of it, but other parts I didn't know what they were going for at all, such as all the mini Ashes for example. I find the first two a little hard to watch cause Raimi loves his barrel distortion shots way too much, but doesn't use them near as harshly in the 3rd one, which I like for personal taste.

So the second and third are both kind of good, kind of not, and could go either way. Which do you think is better, or how would you rank all three even?

I don't care at all for the original Evil Dead, only kind of like Evil Dead II, and absolutely love Army of Darkness.

I think the mini-Ashes are just meant to be funny and the film relies much more on humor than the other two.

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These days my order of preference is 2-3-1. II gets the balance right between the horror of the first film and the goofiness of the third one, though I'd say it is that goofiness that makes the third one the most rewatchable (whereas the fact that the first is pure horror makes its the least rewatchable and by extension the weakest).
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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The Evil Dead is more pure horror, but the black humor was there from the start. Just because the series took itself more seriously at first doesn't mean it wasn't fun. Sometimes I got legitimately creeped out while other times I laughed at the pure absurdity of a situation. I agree that Evil Dead II is even better however.

Strangely enough I haven't seen Army Of Darkness yet.

Evil Dead 2 is the best of the three for me, it is just a very quirky comedy horror. Then Army of darkness and lastly the first evil dead.
I like the 2013 stand alone evil dead too.

Evil Dead 2

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Well it seems that perhaps slightly more people like Evil Dead 2 the best but most agree that the first is the least.

I read that one of the original working titles for the first one was These Bitches Are Witches. That's a better title, they should have stuck with that .

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Oh okay, I thought they was implying that the woman who came back from the dead were witches, or were before they died and came back.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Well it seems that perhaps slightly more people like Evil Dead 2 the best but most agree that the first is the least.

I read that one of the original working titles for the first one was These Bitches Are Witches. That's a better title, they should have stuck with that .
Original title was Book of the Dead. It was changed because they thought no one would want to watch a horror film with book in the title, thinking it would deal with a lot of reading. So Evil Dead was then brought forward.

I intend to re-watch Evil Dead 2 soon but don't need to wait for that to say it wins this in a walk.