How to find a movie review on mofo


I' m sure this has been asked before, but I guess I missed it. I am hoping to find a movie review about some of the movies I watch:

1- by seeing all reviews of a particular movie on mofo.

2- by seeing if a particular mofo has reviewed it.

For instance,
I 'd like to see what mofos had to say about True Grit - actually, I'd like to read about both the original and the Coen Brothers version. I know I've read it on mofo some where, but can't find it. When I go to Search, it doesn't turn up.

Also, I've been following people like mattiasflrtgl (spelling? ) , @Luis and @Gideon58, amongst others - so I wonder if there's a way to find their reviews, without scrolling thru pages and pages (the articulate and diligent Gideon has 144 )

Thanks in advance. No secret that I' m not a computer tech whiz - - but I'd appreciate the help. If there's an answer any of you think I may comprehend, please do reply - tho you may want to speak slowly with one to two syllable words in short sentences

Happy to help! The answer will vary depending on whether you're using a mobile device or not, though, so let me know if you are and I'll explain how to do each.

I use both, but mostly I' m on mobile, which is where I am right now.

Ah, yeah, that's the main issue. Some of these things aren't on mobile (yet).

If you visit on desktop, however, it's pretty straightforward. Just go to Reviews (link of the same name can be found near the top and bottom of each page. The one near the top has an orange underline. On the resulting page, scroll down and look at the bottom left and you'll find a search box. From there you can either type in a movie (and select one of the suggestions that pops up as you type) and get all of its reviews, or you can start typing a username and get all of their reviews (or both!).

You can also click on Movies in the header and search for any movie, and each movie's page will have its reviews on the bottom left.

Oh, you can also go to anyone's profile by clicking on their username and you'll see a Reviews tag halfway down their profile page. Click that and it'll show you their recent reviews, with a link to the rest (which just links to the same kind of page you'll find using the Reviews search box).

Trouble with a capital "T"
@lenslady let me shamelessly mention my own review thread link:
Citizen Rules...Cinemaesque Chat-n-Review

I use to love writing reviews, but mostly I loved talking to people about my reviews and the movies. I haven't done much lately, as sadly no one was stopping by my thread But if you give it a gander, I'm always thrilled to have someone to talk to!

Yoda, those are very nice resources. I notice though that some of us put reviews on the "Rate the last movie you saw" thread. I don't believe there's any way to search for those reviews. Consequently I've started doubling up reviews on the "Movie Reviews" forum, even though there's not many responses or discussion. But at least they stay on the current page longer...
