Which horror movie could you not watch twice?


For me it would have to be Martyrs (2008) for the fact it was so disturbing. A close second would have to be Cargo (2017) only because it was so, so bad.

Any Saw movie after Saw 2

Well, at the moment, Alien: Covenant. Certain things about it – what's that phrase? – took me to a dark place.

Well, at the moment, Alien: Covenant. Certain things about it – what's that phrase? – took me to a dark place.
alien covenant is not a horror movie, its a sci fi horror

Hush, I love me some high-concept films but this was just not for me.

As for ones that are too disturbing to watch again, I don't really feel that at all. Requiem For a Dream f*cked me up for a couple of days but I'd love to watch it again.

For me it would have to be Martyrs (2008) for the fact it was so disturbing. A close second would have to be Cargo (2017) only because it was so, so bad.
Most of the mindless slashers.

For me it would have to be Martyrs (2008) for the fact it was so disturbing. A close second would have to be Cargo (2017) only because it was so, so bad.
I was going to say Martyrs only because it was so bad. Not to mention dreadfully boring.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
For me it would have to be Martyrs (2008) for the fact it was so disturbing. A close second would have to be Cargo (2017) only because it was so, so bad.
I was going to say Martyrs only because it was so bad. Not to mention dreadfully boring.
I thought it was 'bloody good'. Each to their own, right?

For me it would have to be Martyrs (2008) for the fact it was so disturbing. A close second would have to be Cargo (2017) only because it was so, so bad.
I was going to say Martyrs only because it was so bad. Not to mention dreadfully boring.
I thought it was 'bloody good'. Each to their own, right?
Yup a lotta people seem to love it.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
For me it would have to be Martyrs (2008) for the fact it was so disturbing. A close second would have to be Cargo (2017) only because it was so, so bad.
I was going to say Martyrs only because it was so bad. Not to mention dreadfully boring.
I thought it was 'bloody good'. Each to their own, right?
Yup a lotta people see me you. to love it.
and a lot of people think just like you. What didnt you like?

I was going to say Martyrs only because it was so bad. Not to mention dreadfully boring.
I thought it was 'bloody good'. Each to their own, right?
I guess I'm somewhere in the middle. It was definitely better than I expected (I thought it to be just another mindless torture porn) but still somewhat boring. The ending was brilliant though and that alone would earn some respect from me.

alien covenant is not a horror movie, its a sci fi horror
Does there have to be a distinction? I only mentioned it because it's the only film with horror content that I could think of that had had that effect.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
A Serbian Film
Probably Salo, parts were decent, but a lot of it was repetitive and/or badly acted/dubbed that it took away from the experience

Does there have to be a distinction? I only mentioned it because it's the only film with horror content that I could think of that had had that effect.
Alien covenant is a scifi film first, not a horror film, it s an adventure scifi like prometheus, horror movies are movies like: the vvitch, the conjuring, exorcism of emily rose, insidious...these are horror movies

For me it would have to be Martyrs (2008) for the fact it was so disturbing. A close second would have to be Cargo (2017) only because it was so, so bad.
I was going to say Martyrs only because it was so bad. Not to mention dreadfully boring.
I thought it was 'bloody good'. Each to their own, right?
Yup a lotta people see me you. to love it.
and a lot of people think just like you. What didnt you like?
It seemed like a film that was trying to push boundaries but for me came across a mix of trying too hard to be edgy and being more cliche and predictable than it realized if that makes sense. I honestly burst out laughing when the girl busted in the house and shot everyone rather than being shocked like im sure I was meant to. After that it just got dull for me especially the torture section. I did think the skin removal was pretty disturbing but the twist at the end came off as silly and predictable to me.

Irreversible 2002