Morgan Freeman accused of sexual harassment


If you're looking for a silver lining because you love Freeman's work, I guess it's that there's still a big line (morally and culturally) between allegations of "harassment" or "inappropriate behavior" and allegations of "sexual assault." Though sometimes the latter quickly follows the former.

Reading the article, sounds like it's not just making unwanted advances, but some actual unwanted physical contact, too. So it's a bit worse than that headline implies.

Hasn't he been accused of this before?

Several other times during this investigation, when a CNN reporter contacted a person who had worked with Freeman to try to ask them if they had seen or been subjected to inappropriate behavior by an actor they had worked with -- not initially even naming the actor they were asking about -- the person would immediately tell them they knew exactly who the reporter had in mind: Morgan Freeman. Some of those people were sources for this investigation while others declined to comment further or did not want what they said used in this story.

So, this is something:

He "looked me up and down," she said, and then asked her, "How do you feel about sexual harassment?"
That's...some kinda pickup line.

"How do you feel about unwanted advances? Would you say you wanted them?"

The part i quoted about women apparently knowing they were talking about Freeman before he was even mentioned, and a CNN reporter having had a similar experience: think that might be the part you quoted, damn. Alan Arkin was there for at least two incidents, wonder if he'll be asked.

Freeman, in a room full of people, including his co-stars Arkin and Caine, shook Melas' hand, not letting go while repeatedly looking her up and down and saying more than once a variation of, "I wish I was there." She says he also said to her, "You are ripe." Cameras were on and recording during one of Freeman's remarks to Melas -- "Boy, do I wish I was there" -- but not for the rest
Can't stop laughing. To be a devil's advocate, my second understanding is that he said he wishes he was a baby in a belly again. Not too fitting to an occasion a comment, though.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
When Bill Cosby was accused (and now, convicted) of rape, I felt guilty about watching anything with him in it. In the end, it wasn't that hard of a task, to be honest, just meant I wouldn't watch The Cosby Show any more, a show I had once really enjoyed. Although I am still complying information, it'd be impossible to apply the same approach to Freeman. The man has been in everything from The Dark Knight to Seven, from Shawshank to Million Dollar Baby. Regardless, if he has done these things, those mistreated deserve to know that "entertainment legend" or not, such behavior will not go unnoticed and without consequence (of some form).

You can't win an argument just by being right!
My bro has just come off a shoot with him. Not once has he spoken of women saying anything inappropriate on set. That's not to say it didn't happen before anyone wants to pounce

My bro has just come off a shoot with him. Not once has he spoken of women saying anything inappropriate on set. That's not to say it didn't happen before anyone wants to pounce
Not pouncing but i mean he's not going to do anything like that in the middle of #MeToo is he? Think the point is this was a systemic problem and before women started speaking out recently it was happening regularly with rarely any repercussions. The whole industry is different now and men aren't going to be as willing to do this sort of stuff in 2018.

Yeah, just checked and these incidents allegedly happened in 2012, 2015 and 2016. #Me Too went viral in October last year and all the accusations came out around that time.

Wait until actors start coming out of the woodwork talking about what a bully/*******/pervert/jerk Morgan was.

People are so phony.
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” ~ Rocky Balboa

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Yes I know, cam. I wasn't defending him. I just put it out there because, sorry Yoda, thats a CNN article.

I think it's fantastic people are being outspoken about it, and that voice won't be shouted down anymore, but I'm also very anti media at the moment and the way the'LL go after the next 'shiny new thing'. I do what I always do and sit back and watch. If he was inappriate he should be held accountable, and as I've said from the get go, we should be telling young people they no longer need to be silent.

Sounds to me that Morgan is suffering from being old. Symptoms include not giving a damn about sounding offensive and, thus, shouting out whatever comes through the mind that are crude, inappropriate, disgusting...etc.

Sounds to me that Morgan is suffering from being old. Symptoms include not giving a damn about sounding offensive and, thus, shouting out whatever comes through the mind that are crude, inappropriate, disgusting...etc.
That's a nice conveinent excuse you've made for him. Alan Arkin is suffering from being even older than Freeman and it didn't sound like he approved of that behaviour:

In one incident, she said, Freeman "kept trying to lift up my skirt and asking if I was wearing underwear." He never successfully lifted her skirt, she said -- he would touch it and try to lift it, she would move away, and then he'd try again. Eventually, she said, "Alan [Arkin] made a comment telling him to stop. Morgan got freaked out and didn't know what to say."

That's a nice conveinent excuse you've made for him. Alan Arkin is suffering from being even older than Freeman and it didn't sound like he approved of that behaviour:
I was making a joke.

Am I the only one who can hear those accusations being narrated in Morgan's voice?

I was making a joke.

Am I the only one who can hear those accusations being narrated in Morgan's voice?
Apologies then, it's just that's what people instantly went to with Bush and other older people accused.

And yes anything involving Morgan and i instantly hear his voice haha.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
Apologies then, it's just that's what people instantly went to with Bush and other older people accused.

And yes anything involving Morgan and i instantly hear his voice haha.
Although it would by no means justify said behavior, it's at least interesting how recent some of these are, with Morgan Freeman being in his late-seventies for them. It makes you wonder why only now, or if there were more from decades prior we'll soon here about.