Is anyone else watching American Crime on ABC?


Not to be confused with American Crime Story on FX from Ryan Murphy.

American Crime created by John Ridley (writer of 12 Years A Slave) on ABC, in its third season right now. Finale tomorrow.

Ironically it's the lowest rated show on ABC and has only made it this far because of it's awards recognition and universal critical acclaim. So I doubt anyone on here is, though I am really hoping because I'd love to discuss this season (or any others) with people.

Seasons 1 and 2 are both on Netflix. Season one dealing with a murder, and season two dealing with a potential sexual assault on a male student at a high school party.

Yes, it sounds grim, and it is. It's also brilliant and one of the greatest series' you could find on television. You'd never think it'd be something you'd find on ABC, not only because of the content but with how uncompromising it is in embracing the dark core at the center of the stories. Plus the high production value. Not to mention the F bombs.

Beyond that, the writing is excellent, and the way it is shot and edited is unique and captivating without distracting from the story and characters. The cast is also strong across the board, for lack of a better word. Regina King deserved her two emmy wins for it, but the casting is impeccable. Felicity Huffman, Timothy Hutton, Lili Taylor, to name a few, plus every single other actor (the names are escaping me at the moment) are flawless.

It's an anthology series as well, where the same actors play different roles in each season like American Horror Story. So you could start with any season and hook yourself in.

Personally I believe the second season is the greatest, closely followed by the first, and the third is not far behind.

It's complex, even-handed in the themes it explores, and refreshingly (to some, frustratingly) ambiguous when it comes to giving answers, leaving much to be discussed.

Truly a masterful series, if you haven't seen it yet, I suggest watching it as soon as possible. If only so we can discuss it. I binged season 1 and 2 in one week, it's that addictive. Even when you're suppressing tears, and sometimes rage, or picking your jaw off the floor.

Great stuff.

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Loved both seasons of American Crime which featured standout work from the criminally underrated Regina King, who won Emmys for both seasons.
She's great this season too, but that goes without saying. Also loved her in The Leftovers season 2. She has a very particular acting style that I just love. She expresses so much with just a quiver of her lips.

Everyone this season was superb, Felicity Huffman owned it in the final episode, Timothy Hutton was superb, Lily Taylor was chilling, and the actress who played the maid broke my heart. I mean EVERY single actor was flawless.

If this is the final season, which I hope not, but if it is, it was fitting. First time in the entire series that we actually got answers and closure, instead of leaving a lot for the audience to decide. I found it refreshing, though the more ambiguous previous seasons never let me down.

And how it began as one main story, only to shift into something else entirely. People will call this the weakest season, but I thought it was brilliant once again. Couldn't get enough. Without a doubt one of the greatest series on ABC or any channel. It's a shame it received such low ratings, but I can understand why. This is pitch black bleak and hopeless. But deliciously so. and all the more brave for it.

Loved both seasons of American Crime which featured standout work from the criminally underrated Regina King, who won Emmys for both seasons.
I'm hoping she gets a third.