I had a panic attack in the theatre


I'm about halfway into Terminator 3 (which was AWESOME!!!) and start getting dizzy and feeling as if I was trapped. I've had these before but I thought my medication would have made this more tolerable. So I had to leave the theatre and walk home. I feel better now but I'll have to wait until dvd to see what the second half of T3 is like.

Last time I had a panic attack at the theatre was during Hannibal. This really sucks because I want to see the new Tomb Raider film.
"You will taste man flesh!" - Saruman

That sucks Saruman… my sister has panic attacks… she does pretty good most of the time but I’ve had to leave the theater a few times with her because of them…
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Yeah, I know. It really sucks too when there are films that you really, really want to see (Tomb Raider 2) and can't survive the theatre atmosphere. There was hardly anyone in theatre either. I had the whole row to myself.

It's just one of the things I have to deal with in life.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
I understand this all very much. I couldn't be in large crowds, I'd start to panic. I couldnt go to indoor concerts for this very reason, and If somebody I didn't know sat next to me in a crowded movie theater, I HAD to move, and if there was nowhere to move to, I had to leave. It SUCKED. When I was in the Army, I was always surrounded by other people, I shared one room with about 63 others, so it forced me to get comfortable around others or go nuts. I don't think I'm nuts now, so it might have worked. I am not suggesting you join the army though. Probably not a good idea....
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


Originally Posted by Saruman
Yeah, I know. It really sucks too when there are films that you really, really want to see (Tomb Raider 2) and can't survive the theatre atmosphere. There was hardly anyone in theatre either. I had the whole row to myself.

It's just one of the things I have to deal with in life.
You don't have to put up with it, treatment can help, using cognitive behavioural therapy, I work with people who suffer with panic attacks, it is a terrible thing, it can be cured or you can gain control over them, give it a go.
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

PuppyMan's Avatar
im a noob ... again : (
I actually didn't like the movie that much...

It didn't even try to be scary. They didn't develop Arnold enough in this movie, like they did in T2. John Conner looked like they plucked him from a future "C actors" bin. It wasnt directed by James Cameron. Sarah Conner wasn’t even in the movie (she "died"). And to top it all off they shot the majority of the movie in the bright day light ... thus leaving out the eeriness that was T2.

But what do I know ... I liked "The Hours" better than "The Hulk".

Edit: Oh, yeah ... i hope your ok man : )
... damn someone already took my user name

I must become Caligari..!
Originally Posted by PuppyMan
I actually didn't like the movie that much...

It didn't even try to be scary. They didn't develop Arnold enough in this movie, like they did in T2. John Conner looked like they plucked him from a future "C actors" bin. It wasnt directed by James Cameron. Sarah Conner wasn’t even in the movie (she "died"). And to top it all off they shot the majority of the movie in the bright day light ... thus leaving out the eeriness that was T2.

But what do I know ... I liked "The Hours" better than "The Hulk".

Edit: Oh, yeah ... i hope your ok man : )
hmm i dont think this is approptert for this thread why dont you try the T-3 Thread

And Saruman you dont have to put up with this you can fight it, Do what Nebbit said
It's a god-awful small affair, To the girl with, the mousy hair, But her mummy is yelling "No", and her daddy has told her to go, But her friend is nowhere to be seen, Now she walks through her sunken dream, To the seat with the clearest view, And she's hooked to the silver screen, But the film is a saddening bore, For she's lived it ten times or more...

I do participate in therapy and am on many different medications. Even after all that there are still things I can't do. I know it sucks but at least films are being released quickly to dvd these days.

Originally Posted by Saruman
I do participate in therapy and am on many different medications. Even after all that there are still things I can't do. I know it sucks but at least films are being released quickly to dvd these days.

Hang in there Saruman … my sister has been in therapy for several years… it’s been slow going but she is getting better… When she first started having attacks, she was afraid to go anywhere or even be alone… now she can go out and only has an attack once in a while… and she can stay be herself as long as it’s not for too long at a time… Good luck to you and thank you for sharing what some would be afraid to…

Originally Posted by Caitlyn
Hang in there Saruman … my sister has been in therapy for several years… it’s been slow going but she is getting better… When she first started having attacks, she was afraid to go anywhere or even be alone… now she can go out and only has an attack once in a while… and she can stay be herself as long as it’s not for too long at a time… Good luck to you and thank you for sharing what some would be afraid to…
Great advice Caitlyn, It is a slow process, don't give up. I do this kind of work, it is very rewarding, no matter how long it takes, I never give up on my clients, I hang on like a parasite and they eventually have to get better to get rid of me

The crowds inside the theater do not bother me, it's the kids and young teens that really get on my freakin' nerves. The movie is about to begin and I hear yelling and screaming, or it's laughing or giggling. I can't stand them. I feel like turning around and choking them to death.

If you ever want to see a bad movie and get a great audience participation show, go to the Potamic Mills Mall movies in Woodbridge, VA. You may see people dancing and singing in the audience, like I did when I saw Blues Brothers 2000. Or maybe you'll get some comedians talking about Brandy's big ass and hear girls screaming real loud at every moment during I Still Know What You Did Last Summer. I wonder if Legally Blonde 2 is still playing there... might be some blonde hair dying sessions going on in the seats.

My guess is that you are suffering from depression. Next time, masturbate for about an hour before going to the theatre. Oh, and stay away from Vanilla Coke.
"On the run from Johnny Law, it ain't no trip to Cleveland." -- Dignan