Extensive description from several movies to complete my list


Hey guys, I'm looking for the last two movies from six on my 'must find'-list. I've watched all of these movies as a kid, so they showed them on TV around the 2000-2007's. These are sometimes based on rather vague memories, and this search has made me clear that those aren't always correct, so some parts can differ from reality.

5 [c. 1980-2000] A children's movie which centers around a young boy who has a strong bond with a grown up female (I assume his mother) and ponders about traveling around the world. I don't think his father is around, and at one point he's sitting in a small bedroom where he browses through a book with black and white pictures of a pilot which the woman saying it's his father. At some point, the boy (or the/a woman) is watching over a plain of dunes, where there's a ship in the distance docked at a small wooden pier. It's a vague scene with smoke surrounding it, so it could've been someones dream. Not everything was reality in this movie, so this or at least one other scene took place in a dream. While it's a movie meant for children, there is also some adult displaying like explicit female nudity. The last scene is at a gigantic old library with musty books, where an old man gives him a tour and takes him to his office where he talks some more. His office has a giant old globe in it. I can't really remember what language is spoken, but I have a feeling it's a non-English speaking film. I know it's a vague description but I remember it as being a vague movie too.
6. [c. 1990-2000] This one is a drawn animated movie (not CG) that focusses on a territorial battle between mice and rats. It's a simple movie that's very bright in its colors and entirely innocent (so absolutely not The Secret of Nimh, An American Tail, The Rescuers or The Great Mouse Detective that have dark colors, multiple layers storywise and/or an epic plot). The rats are the 'bad guys' in a "running away like pussies when they see danger" kind of way. They play pranks on the mice in order to win this battle/chase the mice away, but nothing drastic or dark. I'd put it like that anyway. Unfortunately, I can't recall any of these actions. It plays at a city with a harbor where you could see the back of a ship in the background, and there's also at least one scene at a library. The city is supposed to be as big as real life (so not downsized to fit the size of the animals) wherein the animals roam.

Pretty strange fact: I do not remember any people in the movie, not even in the background. But I'm almost sure that the animals were not anthropomorphic.

If I'd have to compare it with another movie, it would be the daytime scenes of Oliver & Company, with the difference that the movie I'm referring to, looks and feels a lot more new if we're talking quality of imagery. Example: i.imgur.com/Kwy0pTV.jpg; a lot of blue, white and light brown.
1. 100 Women (2002) SOLVED
2. What a Girl Wants (2003) SOLVED
3. Krummerne (1991) | Krummerne 2 (1992) | Krummerne 3 (1994) SOLVED
4. En Häxa i Familjen (2000) SOLVED
If you have any questions; just ask. I can imagine my explanation isn't always clear. Thanks everyone in advance for reading and hopefully helping me with some of these movies

So the first movie appeared to be "100 Women". The synopsis reads:

WARNING: spoilers below
A girl comes up with one drawing (a smiling face) and say that he has "lost his smile". The girl is Hope, a bubbly bombshell with a drive to make Sam smile again. She gives Sam her number, then is picked up by a friend. Unfortunately for Sam, the rain washes the number off of his hand.

Devastated, he is determined to search for her. [...] While trying to cheer her up, he meets various people in the building: Tanya - a junior reporter devoted to herself and her career; Gretchen - his piercing-obsessed ex-girlfriend; Mr. Willens - the disgusting, unhygienic and lecherous building manager; and finally Annie - an ex-chocoholic who has lost a great deal of weight and agrees to assist him in his search.

While on his search, he is harassed by a mystery girl who wants him to give up. Investigating Hope's room on subsequent trips, he finds a torn album cover and a sad note in Hope's diary. Further investigating both, leads him nowhere.

Sam takes his drawings to make a cartoon for her. Willens, who Sam had turned in for peeping on the residents, scatters them. All the residents help him pick them up, showing their love for him.

Sam then displays his cartoon of their relationship to her from her window. Hope tells Annie to realize the Sam loves her and that she loves him.

One down, five to go So happy I found one movie from the list, but I'm still a bit dazzled that nobody on this or any forum could name me/remembers one of these movies. Especially because my description and timeframe wasn't far from the truth.

So, second one down thanks to a suggestion on another board. I was way off with my description and remembering this movie, but luckily my brother was absolutely sure that this is the movie we were looking for.

Although I've described the first movie pretty accurately, it makes me question the other descriptions. So bare in mind that I could be wrong with some things. Well there is at least one reassurance: the estimated timeframes were almost to the point.

So I have a guess for both 3 and 4. But they are only guesses and I don't remember them very well so I'm not sure about the plot points.

Number 3 sounds like something simmilar to the Swedish Movies about Sune. They're called "Sunes sommar" and "Sunes vinter". I'm quite sure I'm wrong on this one since i can only think of two Movies and I don't remember any plot.

Number 4 sounds like Another Swedish Movie called "En häxa i familjen" (international title: "Witch in our family")

Thank you so so much man! Sunes Sommar & Sunes Vinter are not the movies I'm looking for (like you already had a feeling about) but the other one is 100% CORRECT!

If you have any other suggestions related to the trilogy; shoot. And again: thanks

3 down!

4 DOWN! Sooooo... I've found the most important one imo; the trilogy of (turned out to be) Danish movies.

Apparently it was as simple as searching Google for "Danish children movies" - after trying also Swedish children movies et cetera - and browsing through them; instead of searching for key words.

Thank you Google ★

Just two movies to go... Has been some years now so I hope a bump will not be frowned upon

I'd also like to edit the title of this thread but I don't seem to find a way to do so...

Trouble with a capital "T"
Just two movies to go... Has been some years now so I hope a bump will not be frowned upon

I'd also like to edit the title of this thread but I don't seem to find a way to do so...
Ask Yoda to do it.