How Are You Going To Deal With All These Reboots And Remakes?


Been a talking point on the forum recently, so, well, may as well get a thread going on it.

Elm Street, Jumanji, Poltergeist, The Thing, RoboCop and both Fant4stic and Spider-Man onto their own rereboots... even the rereboot of Hulk a few years back...

Personally, I'm cutting myself off from all these reboots and remakes.

I did this recently with the Poltergeist remake. I hated the idea, then realised hey, I'm not going to watch it anyway, so why get all wound up over it?

I think I'm simply going to become extremely narrow minded, and concentrate only on the things that actually take my interest.
I'm sticking to what I know: Star Wars, the DCCU, my own favourites list and general sci-fi actioners that may crop up from time to time.

The movie industry can suck it as far as I'm concerned, I'm taking no interest in anything that's been done before...

So, big question in the title... how are you going about it? Or how have you been going about it?

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Being narrow minded is pretty bad, but not watching reboots and remakes should be considered the antonym of narrow-mindness.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

I think it's part of my philosophy on life... if in doubt, cut it out.

I get fed up reading about these reboots and remakes... so why bother following the news on them.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
The only remake I can understand and approve of is when a director remakes his own film (Ozu and Hitchcock are notable examples).

I recently watched a French film called Wages of Fear and then learnt there's an American remake directed by Friedkin that is highly acclaimed (not as highly as the original, but unusually highly for a remake). I don't want to watch it, though, because I believe Clouzout's version is perfect just as it is. Why remake it? Then again, both films are based on a book, so perhaps I should see the Sorcerer as just another adaptation of this book.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Thus far I have been seeing nearly everything. Even though I am getting fatigued a bit there is still plenty I enjoy. The MCU doesn't always put out good movies but they never bote or annoy me, they are like my cotton candy. It is only a couple film a year commitment so I will keep watching till they feel like Transformers to me.

I am going to watch anything Star Wars. They are going to have to really jack up that universe for me to lose interest.

I certainly didn't love Man Of Steel, or even like it very much. I will give the Batman flick a try though because he is my favorite superhero.

That's enough with the franchise stuff with me. I will probably see more then I want because of my boys. Nothing else excites me though.

Watch them. Would you watch the rebooted Nightmare on Elm Street if they just called it Nightmare on Elm Street 8? What's bad about reboots that isn't bad about regular sequels?

Registered User
Watch them. Would you watch the rebooted Nightmare on Elm Street if they just called it Nightmare on Elm Street 8? What's bad about reboots that isn't bad about regular sequels?
Who watched all 8 Nightmare on Elm Street films? lol

I recently watched a French film called Wages of Fear and then learnt there's an American remake directed by Friedkin that is highly acclaimed (not as highly as the original, but unusually highly for a remake). I don't want to watch it, though, because I believe Clouzout's version is perfect just as it is. Why remake it? Then again, both films are based on a book, so perhaps I should see the Sorcerer as just another adaptation of this book.
Sorceror's pretty good, you should watch it. From a fan of Wages of Fear.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

hardly anything bring me to the theatre anymore. I have a gift card for the movie theatre that has graphics from the first hobbit movie on it!!

Certainly not a money grab.
I did see the final hobbit movie due to interest in HFR.
And the MI5 for christopher mcquarrie

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
hardly anything bring me to the theatre anymore. I have a gift card for the movie theatre that has graphics from the first hobbit movie on it!!

Certainly not a money grab.
I did see the final hobbit movie due to interest in HFR.
And the MI5 for christopher mcquarrie

I still have gift cards from the movies that have pictures of the movie Titanic with Leonardo DiCaprio on them.

Many of the remakes coming out as of late I never cared for the original so I wasn't bothered either way. I didn't mind the new Spiderman or The Thing though...and I really did enjoy the new Hulk(Him being my fav superhero and all) and I was kind of disappointed when Norton didn't return to the role. Ruffalo isn't terrible or anything I just like Norton as an actor better.

Jumanji is one I'm curious to see if they go the remake or just the plain sequel route, that idea had plenty of potential and I'm surprised it took them this long to make another one.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Jumanji is one I'm curious to see if they go the remake or just the plain sequel route, that idea had plenty of potential and I'm surprised it took them this long to make another one.

Didn't they already make a sequel to Jumanji? I thought Zathura was the sequel, and it was set in outer space.

I don't mind if they remake a movie that was mediocre or poor to begin with, but I don't know what the impetus is to remake movies that are already great (except to capitalize on title recognition and attempt to squeeze as much revenue as possible out of a newer generation).

Poltergeist is a case in point. The original was a great flick. There's nothing too dated about it (except maybe the TV on a rolling stand pushed out of the motel room at the end). Why remake it when the original is so awesome?

Didn't they already make a sequel to Jumanji? I thought Zathura was the sequel, and it was set in outer space.
Hi gb! I never saw either in their entirety (in one sitting anyway). But best as I can remember; they only have similar premises in that they focus around a board game that either brings things to life or transports the players to other realms. Outside of the premise, I don't think the stories or characters were related in any way.

Didn't they already make a sequel to Jumanji? I thought Zathura was the sequel, and it was set in outer space.
The book Zathura was a sequel to the book entitled Jumanji. but the 2005 film contains no Jumanji material and does not mention any Jumanji events. It is a film all by itself. A movie based on the board game of the same name but not related whatsoever to the movie Jumanji.

I though own a Zathura board game. Thanks to my former boss at Cinemark who went to a movie press convention back in 2004.