Jaws 5-18: Bring on the Jokes!


Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, & King Hereafter
I'm sure almost everyone here has seen Back to the Future Part II, yes? And just about everyone here is familiar with the "Jaws 19" joke in the movie, yes? That was set in 2015.

It's 2014, and only 4 Jaws movies exist.

So, I would like to hear your greatest and most ludicrous plots for Jaws 5-18! You can be as serious or as hilarious as you want!

By the way, if I like it enough, I'll ask if I may turn it into a YouTube video, as I'm working on parody movies for Jaws 5-18. (I'd be working on "Jaws 5" right now, but it is somehow hard to find a toy shark...)

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm sure almost everyone here has seen Back to the Future Part II, yes? And just about everyone here is familiar with the "Jaws 19" joke in the movie, yes? That was set in 2015.
Ughh! that's such a creepy thing when a movie predicts something on a future date....and that date is close at hand.

So for Jaws 5-18 being missing?...you know who I blame???

F. Murray Abraham he's always messin' with the time line.

Jaws 5 (1989):
People start disappearing on a beach, though we never actually see any sharks committing murders. Lorraine Gary (who plays Ellen Brody) goes to investigate, convinced that killer sharks are doing it. Turns out the people are actually being murdered by Lorraine Gary herself, who has gone psycho and wears a shark costume when she kills.

Jaws In Space (1991):
This one takes place in the far future. Astronauts go to outer space and land on a watery planet where enormous, weird looking killer sharks take them out one by one.

Jaws: The Return (1993):
It is revealed that "Jaws 5" and "Jaws 6" were really stories Lorraine Gary wrote while in psychotherapy for her shark issues and she wasn't actually a murderer and sharks weren't really in space. She returns to the beach where the shark murders originally happened, bringing along her psychiatrist and his kids (he's not married, he and Lorraine Gary have a taboo doctor/patient love relationship going on). A family of sharks come after them. At the end, when the mother shark comes for the psychiatrist's youngest daughter, Lorraine Gary sacrifices herself and the mother shark eats Lorraine Gary instead, killing her. The psychiatrist shoots and kills the mother shark and Lorraine Gary and the shark go down into the water.

Jaws 8: And He Wants More! (1995):
This is your typical teenage slasher movie, but with a shark. A group of college friends all go to the beach for fun and good times, when a shark starts killing them one by one.

Jaws IX: The Research (1997):
Lorraine Gary's granddaughter is a college student studying marine biology. She goes off with a bunch of oceanographers to study sharks and underwater creatures. She has a reputation as a weird girl because of her legendary family. But, while on board the submarine, sharks come for the team of oceanographers and she has to save the day.

Jaws X: The Resurrection (1999):
Lorraine Gary returns to play Ellen Brody's long lost twin sister, Helen Brody. Teamed with Ellen Brody's granddaughter, who has graduated college and is now doing her own oceanographer thing, the two of them do battle with a shark that they believe is the resurrection of the original shark from the first Jaws movie.

Jaws 11 (2001):
Ellen Brody's granddaughter and a team of oceanographers mysteriously disappear. The submarine shows no sign of shark attack or anything -- they just vanished. Helen Brody (Lorraine Gary) meets a psychic man who believes a ghost shark killed them all. Turns out, he's right, and Helen Brody and a team of investigators must do battle with a ghost shark on the submarine. The ghost shark is, of course, the ghost of the original shark from the first Jaws movie.

Jaws 12 (2002):
Helen Brody starts having dreams and visions of her dead twin sister, Ellen Brody. She shares this with the psychic, whom she is now engaged to. Her sister is warning her that more sharks are coming. Helen and her psychic man go to Alaska for a vacation, and sure enough, there are sharks there, and the psychic man even ends up eaten. Helen and her ghostly twin sister, Ellen, defeat the sharks.

Jaws 13 (2004):
We depart from the Helen/Ellen Brody storyline again and deal with a new group of young adults who simply go to the beach for some fun and wind up shark food. Paris Hilton stars.

Jaws: The Reunion (2006):
A family reunion takes place on a beach. By the end of the reunion, there's a lot less people in the family as sharks have come and killed a bunch of them.

Jaws: The Remake (2008):
A badly done remake of the first Jaws movie. Lorraine Gary gets to play a living Ellen Brody again.

Jaws: Sweet 16 (2010):
A girl's sweet 16 party on the beach is ruined by killer sharks.

Jaws the 17th (2011):
Lorraine Gary returns as Elizabeth Brody, an ancestor of Ellen and Helen Brody. The film is set in the 1700's and deals with sharks on the beach back then.

Jaws 18 (2013):
A found footage Jaws movie with teenagers. Lorraine Gary does not star.

Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, & King Hereafter
To Hello101: I'll see what I can do, but laser-cannon Jaws should definitely be a thing! (The reason I say I'll see what I can do is that I've got no budget whatsoever and am going for laughs more than seriousness. But laser cannons, though!)

To Sexy Celebrity: Those are fantastic, though I can't exactly guarantee them in that order. :P

Well, The way that I see it, it pays some small tribute to the Jaws franchise and Back to the Future Part...
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