Great Movie Insults


At 19 million hits Im sure alot of you have seen this, but its a great watch if you havent. It gets funnier the longer it goes on.

Aside from this video I liked the line from the original "The Lion In Winter"

Peter O'Toole to Katharine Hepburn in a hateful glare "...What a tragedy you are..." Course its better seen and heard than read.


But Not Slight of Mind or Tongue...
One of my favorite insults in film has to be Albert Brook to Holly Hunter near the end of Broadcast News:

"Six years from now, I'll be back here with my wife and two kids. And I'll see you, and one of my kids will say, "Daddy, who is that?" And I'll say it's not nice to point at single fat women."

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
From the extended edition of Con Air:

Johnny 23: (towards Guard Bishop) I'm gonna **** her, and then I'm gonna **** your whole family and then I'm gonna **** you.
Cameron Poe: Alright. How 'bout for now, you go **** yourself?

"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Registered User
At "The devil wears Prada":

Anne Hathaway: What, now?
Emily Blunt: Oh, I'm sorry, do you have some prior engagement? Some hideous skirt convention to go to?

I know I've posted it a few times on the site, but it works in this thread, over and over again.

definatly NSFW
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Just watched "There Will Be Blood", brilliant film and this insult is brilliant from one of the best scenes:

Plainview: Stop crying, you sniveling ass! Stop your nonsense. You're just the afterbirth, Eli.
Eli Sunday: No...
Plainview: You slithered out of your mother's filth.
Eli Sunday: No.
Plainview: They should have put you in a glass jar on a mantlepiece. Where were you when Paul was suckling at your mother's teat?

Betty White in Lake Placid.

"If I were a man Id tell you to suck my dick!"

Young Guns during the standoff at Alex McSween's house:

Colonel Dudley: Come on out, with your hands high!
Bill The Kid: Hahaha! With our hands high... I'd better reason with him... HEY COLONEL SH*THEAD!! YOU CAN KISS MY ASS!!

lol I give props to the person that put all those scenes together that must took a long time.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Strangely enough the insult that comes immediately to mind is from Miss Congeniality!

Michael Caine is trying to train Sandra Bullock in becoming a Miss America contestant. After seeing how she walks, Caine's character remarks -

"Oh my god! I haven't seen a walk like that since Jurassic Park."

Why that's the one that springs immediately to mind I don't know. I'm sure there must be insults I like a lot more than that, but my mind is blank

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
^^ That's funny as hell. I need to see that movie.
Thanks man. It's been a good few years since I've seen it but I remember it being an entertaining film.

Here's the clip which has that insult right at the start. "Hey, I'm gliding here! A**hole!"

^^ That wasn't funny in reality. Mostly thanks to Sandra Bullock's fault.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
^^ That wasn't funny in reality. Mostly thanks to Sandra Bullock's fault.
Damn there's a quick turnaround in attitude!

^^ That wasn't funny in reality. Mostly thanks to Sandra Bullock's fault.
Oh come on Sexy! Sandra Bullocks a great actress. Real comedic timing. She does need to eat a hamburger though, but in that biz who doesnt.

Strangely enough the insult that comes immediately to mind is from Miss Congeniality!
you made me want to see that movie again.