Top Ten Comedies based on a laugh per minute Scale


The Daily Mail in the UK published a list of the top ten films based on a laugh per minute score the List was as follows
1. Airplane – 3 Laughs A Minute
2. The Hangover – 2.4 Laughs A Minute
3. The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad ! – 2.3 Laughs A Minute
4. Superbad – 1.9 Laughs A Minute
5. Borat – 1.7 Laughs A Minute
6. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy – 1.6 Laughs A Minute
7. American Pie – 1.5 Laughs A Minute
8. Bridesmaids – 1.4 Laughs A Minute
9. Shaun of the Dead – 1.3 Laughs A Minute
10. Life of Brian – 1.2 Laughs A Minute
what do you guys think what would you add take away?

I can't give you the actual LPM but here's the ones I laughed the most constantly through

1. Duck Soup
2. The hangover
3. History of the World Part I
4. Young Frankenstein
5. Simpsons Movie
6. The other guys
7. Scary movie
8. Spaceballs
9. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
10. Due Date (underrated)
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

4. Superbad – 1.9 Laughs A Minute
^ That rubbish can be taken out of the list, I don't think I found anything funny in it, awful film.

If Shaun of the Dead made it onto the list, then Hot Fuzz is one I'd add, I liked Shaun of the Dead but I laughed more during Hot Fuzz than I did during Shaun of the Dead. Same for Tucker & Dale vs. Evil - I'd add this horror comedy onto it, I laughed an awful lot through it compared to some films in that list...

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Some of my faves with high laugh-a-minute ratios

Ali G Indahouse
The Pink Panther Strikes Again
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

I am the Watcher in the Night
The comedy genre is one of my favourites, there are just so many but I'll name my top 10, not a permanent top 10 though!!

In no particular order:

Shaun of the Dead
Tropic Thunder
The Hangover
The Inbetweeners Movie
Rush Hour
Beverly Hills Cop
Trading Places
The Great Dictator
Mr Bean

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Not 10, but tough.

Richard Pryor Live in Concert
One, Two, Three
The Goat (Buster Keaton)
Some Like It Hot
The Importance of Being Earnest
Dr. Strangelove
Back to the Future
American Graffiti
Modern Times
Duck Soup
Horse Feathers
Allegro non troppo
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Personally a film that wasnt in that list that i really liked me was tropic thunder plus has anyone seen bridesmaid is it really that good?

^ That rubbish can be taken out of the list, I don't think I found anything funny in it, awful film.

If Shaun of the Dead made it onto the list, then Hot Fuzz is one I'd add, I liked Shaun of the Dead but I laughed more during Hot Fuzz than I did during Shaun of the Dead. Same for Tucker & Dale vs. Evil - I'd add this horror comedy onto it, I laughed an awful lot through it compared to some films in that list...
I will second that I found Superbad to be extremely funny. Laughter seems more an involuntary response than anything else -- and these are opinions after all, so anything nominated here should be fair game.

Also, I did not find Hot Fuzz to be funny, but that's just me. I loved Shaun of the Dead, but I tend to be a sucker for certain Zombie flicks.

It seems we have different senses of humor, but it doesn't make you or me right or wrong. Just sayin.

In general though, I find Jonah Hill to be a really funny guy. His line deliveries, timing, facial expressions, etc. just crack me up.

Laughs per minute differ from person to person

American Pie is the funniest on the list

Hangover and Superbad-Promoted drinking
Didn't make me laugh that much

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Funniest films I've ever seen...

The Big Lebowski
Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back
Eddie Murphy Raw
Step Brothers
Shaun Of The Dead
Monty Python & The Holy Grail
GoodFellas (not joking)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

1.Dr. Strangelove
2.The Big Lebowski
3.Groundhog Day
4.High Fidelity
5.Blazzing Saddles
7.The Hangover
8.Super Bad
9.Forgetting Sarah Marshall
10.I love you man
Going 18600 miles per second.

It seems we have different senses of humor, but it doesn't make you or me right or wrong. Just sayin.
And nobody has said someone is wrong for liking certain films in here.

Dr. Strangelove
I agree that Dr.Strangelove is a great black comedy, it had me smiling to myself a lot with all the political humor and out right madness.
"This is a war room, there's no fighting in the war room"

But as far LPM like OP was talking about it would be very low for me. I remember laughing four or five times upon first viewing and even less the second time around. For me it's not that type of comedy

Not sure I'd agree with all of them such as American Pie for example. I need to watch a few more older comedies but some of my favourites: The Big Lebowski, Dr. Strangelove, The Hangover, Borat, Anchorman then there's the likes of Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.