Children film from 80-90s


Registered User
In mid 90s I watched this movie on TV. All I can remember now - are two scenes.
1. It's raining outside, and little boy sits at the home library and (maybe) reads some book. His parents outside, their car is broken and they trying to fix it. On the shelf between the books an one-eyed owl clock. The lightening strikes, illuminating this owl statue, that scares the boy. Maybe after that some transformation with owl happens, maybe not. This scene can be seen at the beginning.
2. At the end, after all adventures, boy has false awakening about 3-5 times. He awakens at the dream within a dream and see the characters from the adventure.

I'm not sure, but think that all boy's adventures was animated as cartoon, but real world (beginning and ending) was filmed.

It's not Pagemaster, not Rock-a-Doodle, and not The Neverending Story, not Magic Island either.

I think this movie produced in USA in 80-90s. Any thoughts?

Registered User
Sorry. Did'nt tell. It's not Pagemaster, not Rock-a-Doodle, and not The Neverending Story.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
The Phantom Tollbooth
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

Registered User
Thanks, but not that movie. Just watched beginning and the end on youtube. No my scenes there.

Movie reminds me of The Nutcracker. Only it's about a girl. And it's completely animated. Lol.

Do you remember any of the adventures?

You had to do a Rodent, hey? Some women!! lol!

Aww, I made it for her. Am awaiting for a reply to a message I sent, I made her a better one than the one she's currently using.

@Rodent, you're a Gentlemen! Though, with women's lib & all that, they don't want!

@Rodent, you're a Gentlemen! Though, with women's lib & all that, they don't want!

What do you mean by that? I like it a lot!!!! The only reason it took me so long was cuz I had to go do a couple things for my boyfriend. I think its cool that he can do that on a computer.

It does look good!

Doesn't it??? Now I am a super hero!!!!!

What do you mean by that? I like it a lot!!!! The only reason it took me so long was cuz I had to go do a couple things for my boyfriend. I think its cool that he can do that on a computer.
"What do you mean by that?" Nothing at all

Still doing a woman's job, that's good! lol!

"What do you mean by that?" Nothing at all

Still doing a woman's job, that's good! lol!

You sexist! lol, he's too used to what all the things I do for him! I mean, what would he do without me????

You sexist! lol, he's too used to what all the things I do for him! I mean, what would he do without me????
"You sexist! lol" Maybe lol!

"what would he do without me????" There is a lot he could do! There is a few places near me which a 27-28 guy could have some fun! lol!

I was kidding around though, however most guys are really. There is 1.2 Billion people in China, about 1 Billion people in India. Next door to Australia, there is Indonesia around 150 Million people. Then you have Malaysia. Then you have Iran & Iraq. Then Saudia Arabia, Egypt, Jordan etc. Then you have Africa ..Somalia, Ethiopia, Congo, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leona...then Afghanistan, Pakistan...would you like me to go on?