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Nothing like posting a review on your first day on the forum, right? Unfortunately, the last movie I saw was Contagion, so my first review isn't going to be a happy one.

So... Contagion. Yeah. This was one of the more disappointing movies that I have seen in the last year or so. The worst part about the movie is that there wasn't anything terribly wrong with it. The film had all of the great camera work, star power, and slick production that one expects from a big budget Hollywood blockbuster. It just wan't very good.

With so much talent in the cast of this movie it's difficult to blame the acting. Some, however, were better than others. Kudos to Jennifer Ehle for making a very predictable role seem at least mildly interesting. Likewise, Matt Damon did an admirable job trying to bring some semblance of life to a poorly written, and hopelessly undeveloped character. Jude Law probably gave the best performance in the film, playing a character that could only exist in the remedial mind of a Hollywood screenwriter. And yeah, finally, I will give credit to Gwyneth Paltrow. She didn't have a lot of screen time, but for all the hate this woman attracts she does her job every time out and this movie is no exception.

The problem with this movie is that, at it's core, it doesn't even try to be believable. Or creative. Or in any way interesting. The inevitable comparisons to Outbreak don't even work because Outbreak, for all of it's many, ridiculous flaws at least put some thought into what the audience was seeing. There is just such... arrogance in the making of Contagion. The characters are so predictable. The plot is so contrived. From the budget conscious local yokel politicians who can't grasp the great peril of their situation, to the steadfast, hardworking earnestness of a CDC janitor, each character is cut and paste.

The good news, though, is that if you hate surprises this movie is for you. You will know, absolutely know, the fate of each character within 8 seconds of their first appearance on the screen. The hero is obvious. The villain is obvious. The ones who die along the way are obvious. They couldn't even be bothered to pick up a bit of medical knowledge. I'm not a doctor. I've never even taken a first aid class. But even I was shaking my head at some of the holes in this film. One scene, in fact, sums up the movie nicely. Dr. Cheever is a head muckity muck at the CDC who is so knowledgeable in medicine that he is in charge of the whole battle against the killer virus. At one point he says to his assistant, another genius medical researcher, "We need to find a vaccine for this so we can cure these people...". A vaccine. To cure people. Yeah.

Well I agree with you completely, and as this is also my first post I think it's fitting to reply to this one. I am a big fan of stories of post apocalyptic times or pandemics or world ending etc. and despite hearing mediocre reviews from friends, I figured I would at least be entertained by this movie. It went from scene to scene of predictable dialogue with nothing exciting really ever happening. It just gave me the vibe of pure hollywood trash. It was very poorly written considering the things that could be done with a story like that. anyway, it was so predictable and boring I ended up shutting it off with about 20 minutes left because I felt even that was a waste of time.

It seemed to me that this movie was really going to turn it up a notch and bring us something that hasn't been beaten to death in other apocalyptic movies. But if anything it fizzled into boredom. Outbreak by far was a much more stellar piece than this and it was produced many years ago.

Nice first review. I agree with what you said - the movie lacked more than Outbreak did.(which was a considerable amount of medical fact)
Andrew Hesner
The Film Critique

Nothing like posting a review on your first day on the forum, right? Unfortunately, the last movie I saw was Contagion, so my first review isn't going to be a happy one.
Welcome to the site.

The worst part about the movie is that there wasn't anything terribly wrong with it. The film had all of the great camera work, star power, and slick production that one expects from a big budget Hollywood blockbuster. It just wan't very good.
For me, this makes it worse than the dumb, Transformer type crap and low budget stuff. Making poor films that are meant to be mindless or doing what you can with not a lot is one thing, but if you've got the tools and talent to do a good job and you cock it up, that's a much bigger crime.


The last massive epidemic ( of spanish flu ) occured in 1918 ,killing one percent of the world's population.....but nobody talks much about it.....
Thats because it occurred at a time when the world was already numbed by the first world war , and the media was not in a position to create a sensation like it can today.....

.....And an epidemic in today's world is what this movie deals with--in an era where news , and rumours can spread like wildfire on the internet , or plain old television....

But this epidemic , by an hitherto unknown virus , is no rumour--its for real , at least in the movie , and spreading very fast....

People get severe cough , cold and start dying out very rapidly....

And there's no cure --but of course.....( who's gonna come to see the movie if there was a cure already )

The onus is on the CDC ( center for disease control ) to research the structure of the new and unknown virus , and invent a vaccine to immunize people against the disease....

Meanwhile , as the CDC is trying to come up with a vaccine , people from China to Africa to the United States are dying in the millions....

.....Leading to mass panic as people start to flee endemic areas only to spread the infection elsewhere.....
Forcing the govt to use law enforcement agencies to stop them from leaving.....

And a quack is having a field day selling a supposed homeopathic cure for the virus....
Whose claims lead to long queues of people lining in front of chemist stores....
.....And when stocks of the supposed ' cure ' are about to run out , people assault the store , each person hoping to get his or her hands on ' nectar of delayed mortality ' ( no , even the quack is not a fool to promise immortality )

Its mass panic everywhere , as even nurses go on strike , fearing that they might get the infection from patients.....leaving the sick dying.....

But wait !! The messiah who will save the world is at hand.....
And who else it is but our very old uncle sam.....

The lord and lone superpower of the planet , whose self-appointed job it is to give succor to the cosmos....

For it is at an American laboratory that a vaccine is finally found that will save the world ( where else would it be found ?? --at least in hollywood movies )

And as the universe begins to return to normal , the flowers begin to bloom again , long suffering girlfriends not allowed to meet boyfriends for fearing spread of the infections are allowed to meet them again.....

.......Its also time for us to leave the theater.....

But as we leave , we are left with an uncomforting thought....
What if this really happens....??.
Is there any virus in some remote outpost , waiting to mature ,to spread , to strike civilization.....

And is this nature's way of reducing this planets overloaded population ??

Think about it.

But if you cant think , there's no harm in watching this movie to get ideas....and sleepless nights maybe , thats just an exaggeration ( sigh of relief !! ).....we will reserve the sleepless nights for horror movies

Verdict--not fantastic , but watchable.....