What Tha Hell Was That?


Registered User
Jackson didn't get Best Director
& Lotr didn't get Best Film.


Check the other thread (which maybe should be renamed and combined with this one for all post-Oscar comments).

Also take a peek at The Shoutbox. We did all this live, folks. Where were you?
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Look, compare how Fellowship fared tonight with how Star Wars did at the '78 ceremonies. Star Wars was nominated for TEN Oscars, including Best Supporting Actor for the classy Brit who played the wise old Wizard, Best Original Screenplay, Best Director and Best Picture....plus a bunch of technical stuff. It won six awards, all in technical areas like visual effects, editing, the score and even a seventh special award for the creation of such new and unusual sound effects. It lost for Picture, Director, Supporting Actor and Screenplay.

Sound familiar?

Yep, sure does. I'm still pissed. 6 out of 10 is a lot better than 4 out of 13, though. 60% .vs. 30%. Bah. Forget it...I was mad about this long before it happened.

Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by Holden Pike

Also take a peek at The Shoutbox. We did all this live, folks. Where were you?
Watching the Oscars. Eating Food. Drinking Champagne. Surely NOT behind a computer screen on the most glamorous night of television.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
The Super Bowl is a glamerous night of television.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by spudracer
The Super Bowl is a glamerous night of television.
Um. Okay.

Originally posted by sadesdrk
Watching the Oscars. Eating Food. Drinking Champagne. Surely NOT behind a computer screen on the most glamorous night of television.
Right on. But I was drinking grapefruit juice and eating nothing because I'm trying to cure myself of my fever, cough, sore throat, etc. It's better now, but my throat still tickles. Anyway, I was here for a little bit last night... 10 minutes or so at the beginning, just to comment on Whoopi Goldberg ("Come and get me, boys!").

Now With Moveable Parts
You know who I missed seeing at the Awards last night?

Brad & Jennifer


Cate Blanchett

Ewan Mcgregor

Douglas and Zeta-Jones

and scads of others. Didn't you think some key players, were missing? Ed Norton, Robert DeNiro, Ben Stiller and his wife, Drew Barrymore and Tom Green, Kate Hudson and Chris Robinson, Goldie Hawn, Guy Pierce and the list goes on. Hell, even if I wasn't nominated...I'd be at every one of those things.

Some of them may have been there - they don't show everyone. Or, maybe they're busy filming, in another country, etc.

I swear I saw Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston drive by me one day where I live. Brad was wearing what looked like a fake thick brown beard. I couldn't really see the woman -- she was snuggling up next to him, but she had Jennifer's hair.

Unfortunately, I was with my sister, who was driving, and she didn't fulfill my demands of following them. I should have thrown her out on the road and took control of the car. I would have purposely crashed into them (but not bad enough to injure them. Well, maybe just enough to injure Jennifer...)

Registered User
I think they should have had close-ups on some of the other stars. Honestly, I don't think half the people who watch care who wins. I think they care primarily about the fashion and what everyone's wearing.

The thing is, they COULD have said, "ok; we've been idiots all of these years, and we will finally give sci-fi and fantasy the same kind of credit we give other genre's. Star Wars should have won, and so should Rings." But they didn't say that, and so they are still idiots.
One of the biggest myths told is that being intelligent is the absence of the ability to do stupid things.


why oh why did A Beautiful Mind win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

i was hapy about the actors and actrsses.
"Who comes at 12:00 on a Sunday night to rent Butch Cassady and the Sundance Kid?"
-Hollywood Video rental guy to me

I don't think LOTR or Jackson won because the Academy knows they have two more chances, and they really wanted to give Opie an Oscar for the first time.

That's a dumb way to hand 'em out. Especially considering the first may very well be the most thrilling of the three. I'll be surprised if the second gets this many nominations. The third is the other big one...that might have a shot. I'll tell you what, though: if it doesn't win one of the top four Oscars for ANY of the three films, I'm gonna do something drastic. I'll boycott the damn things if I have to.

As I was discussing with Chris yesterday, I think Jackson will be rewarded for the trilogy, and not for each individual film.

I doubt you'll be seeing much of a LOTR based Oscars next year either, but in 2004, I reckon Jackson and The Return of the King will clean up.

And he's got to be pleased.
He's almost garunteed three Oscar nominations, and three trips to the night of nights in a row. That's gotta rock.

Because EVERY OTHER MOVIE WAS BETTER! In the Bedroom, low budget, best acted movie of the year. Moulin rouge, so original, so entertaining and so romantic. Gosford Park, on of the funniest movies of the year, great acting, great writing, great directing, nothing about this movie was bad.And finally- LOTR do i need to say anything.

See, ABM isnt a bad movie, its just that the others are better, far better.
On a completely different note- what hell was up with Black Hawk Down??? It won some that i was sure that it wouldnt, and than it didnt win Director.

Originally posted by Sexy Celebrity
I swear I saw Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston drive by me one day where I live. Brad was wearing what looked like a fake thick brown beard.
OH MY GOD! I really DID see Brad Pitt drive by me back in February! LOOK at this new photo of Brad that I just found at E! Online --- HE GREW A BEARD! THE BEARD THAT I DESCRIBED!
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