

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Are there any fans of this awsome series of novels?

Ive been a fan for years and the books are geat. Im just wondering who else loves the series, never heared of it or even doest like it.

What are your views?

Terry Pratchett

The discworld is ontop of 4 elephants which are on top of "Great A'tuin" the world turtle.

There are 32 discworld books and 4 discworld books for younger readers.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Seems interesting.
Never heard of it before.
I like the picture of what I guess is where people or things live.
Are the stories addicting?
"If you can't be funny be interesting."
Harold Ross

Welcome to the human race...
@Slug - Yes, they are.

On that note, I used to be a fan. Haven't read much Discworld recently, but I still own about 10 books.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Yeah man the storys are great and very addictive I have 27 books and they are awsome I cannot put them down.

Yes the pic of the disc on the elephants is where they live. There are Wizards, Whiches, Zombies, Vampires and Golems. I do strongly suggest you pic up a few of these books and give them a go they have this very funny humour.

A PHD in Whiskey and Stonerology
Discworld are a great take on/parody of the gargantuan and often cheap and redundant genre of high fantasy. Combine that with truly interesting stories and biting humor and you have one hell of a good time. Definitely one of my favorite series' to read for pure entertainment value.

@Slug - Yes, they are.
On that note, I used to be a fan. Haven't read much Discworld recently, but I still own about 10 books.
I have a confession.
I don't have my glasses on, and when I first read this I thought it was Discoworld.
I added that little "o" in there for a second, and went whoa!
But I was relieved to find out that it's not a discoworld.

I wonder if the books are at Border's Book Store?

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Im currently reading Guards Guards and it is so good.

I was also wondering has any one seen the two tv films they made for discworld, "The Hogfather and The colour of magic" They are both great and its awsome to see books that youve read come to life as they are very true to the storys. Also I heared that they are making "Going Postal" Next which is great I love the charector "Moist"

Terry Pratchett is a lovely man, I've heard him being interviewed lots of times. He's so positive even now he knows he has a form of Alzheimers.
I used to work as a teaching assistant for many years and the Discworld books are much loved by lots of kids even ones who were reluctant readers.

For those of you who are parents Terry Pratchett has also written some fantastic bools for younger readers or to read out loud to your kids: the trilogy of books called Truckers, Diggers and Wings about tiny people whose whole world is inside a department store and when that's demolished they have to find out about life in the big Outside.
Then there's The Carpet People also about tribes of tiny people who live off household things, very funny and really inventive.

Also there's a very inventive trilogy of books about a lad called Johnny Maxwell who sees strange things - aliens, dead people, time travel - called Only You Can Save Mankind, Johnny and the Dead and Johnny and the Bomb. Lots of fun, but at the same time quite moving.

Sorry to nab your thread there N3wt, hope you don't mind, but I always like to say about Pratchett's books for younger children cos they're so good and I remember how me and my boys loved them

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Na not a prob at all lol its awsome that people love Terry Pratchet as much as I do, Ive also got to read "Marvellous Murice and his educated rodents" its awsome that is a seperature book but in "Reaper Man" They mention him a few times as a con-man which I thought was awsome lol

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Never Rub Another Mans Rhubarb.
I LOVE Discworld. The Color Of Magic and The Light Fantastic were the first books I bought for myself. If you like Terry Pratchet then I have to recomend another author called Neil gaimon. He and Terry did an amazing book together, on of my favourites, called Good Omens. Its amazing. Its all about the anti-christ and the end of days, pure genius.