Quizzes causing me problems


One thing that has been bothering me for quite awhile now is the Quizzes section. Everytime I try to take a quiz it says that I cant do it and Sorry you must be a member of movieforums to participate or something like that..I'm logged in and everything and when I clicked register like it said it said you are already a member but Im still not allowed to use the quiz section of the board...does anybody know why? I wanted to check it out but everytime I do I cant...and it always says Im not a member when I am and Im perfectly logged in...???

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Yeah, I've had this problem as well, but you already know about it.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

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He's right, T, I'm getting exactly the same message over and over -- it ain't hit'n'miss, it's constant and reoccuring miss.

That's got nothing to do with the login...that script doesn't look for your login cookie. I just forgot to stick the author dropdown menu on the Add Review page, but it is on the Modify Review page -- so I went and fixed it.

So TWT how close are we to rectifying this problem? Are we making any progress or do you still not know what the hell it is that's causing this problem? Don't worry I'll wait for you to fix it I'm just not a very patient guy....I've gotta work on that. Do you have any idea what it is that is causing this problem or still trying to figure it all out?

Ohhh and if you've forgotten all about it that's ok too I suppose just get on it

I haven't forgotten (was talking to Spud about it earlier today, in fact)...but no, I still don't know what's wrong. I thought I did, but apparently I was wrong. I'll let you know if I can figure it out. I'm probably gonna revamp the whole dang thing soon enough, even. Actually, I just now thought of a reason it might not be working. I'll go try it in a bit.