City Of Heroes/Villains MMORPG


Anybody play it? Im on the Pinnacle server 13th level scrapper (Conan template), and an 8th level brute villain.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I got a free two-week trial for this game along with my Guild Wars order. (I'm into Guild Wars now!) Same company, I think.

I did create my character (which was a TON of fun all by itself!) and only got into the tutorial before the two weeks expired.

I had a lot of trouble maneuvering my character around -- choppy movement, slowness, etc., which I don't experience with Guild Wars. That got frustrating so I let the trial period expire without going further. I would have liked to get more into the actual game. I do have one other trial code key (from yet another Guild Wars purchase).

Tell me what happens when you first get into the true gaming area, past the early tutorial section. I might try it again...

Ive mostly been grinding. I heard MMORPGS in general get alot more interesting past level 20-25. I agree the character creation system is boss. My super villain is one bad looking dude in his armor, and its neat that you have powers right away instead of having to wait to the higher levels like other games.

Hows Guild Wars? Ive thought of switching to that since its just a one time purchase.

The Adventure Starts Here!
That's one of the things I love about it -- no monthly fee. The game itself -- even just one game box/campaign -- is huge, IMHO. I got into it as a Myst Online refugee (they closed it recently, taking it off GameTap), wanting a place where I could look at nice landscapes but yet play a game. A bunch of folks there suggested GW, so I figured I could afford to buy a box game once and test it out. That was not quite two months ago -- and now I've bought all three campaigns, bought two of the three for my teen daughter, and anticipate buying the final expansion pack too.

And I've barely scratched the surface of any of them.

Apparently you get to level 20 and that's it in GW, but some of how they do things is different from games like WoW, for instance. (Dunno about that -- never played WoW.)

I definitely want to retry the City of Heroes/Villains again -- at a time when I'm sure I'll have plenty of time during the two-week trial period to play around with it. I have 2GB of RAM so I assume the slowness of the character movements had to be some other glitch.

What kind of stuff happens once you leave the early/first area where you are trained in how to fight and move your character? I'm very curious.

Lotsa gangs, and zombies Austruck. Lots. I eagerly do missions and team when possible. Now Im damn stupid when it comes to these games, and theres alot of stuff Im not even utilizing yet like salvage, recipes, and groups.

I heard there was going to be a Marvel MMORPG in the vein of COH & Everquest, but it got scrapped. Ive played AD+D for about 15 yrs, and believe to have reached my fantasy fill. That one time purchase is enticing though, and the $15 a month isnt.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I have a two-week/10-hour (whichever comes first) trial key for GW that I'm pretty sure I never used. I can PM it to you if you want to try out the game. (You don't need disks -- it will download from the ArenaNet site automatically. You just need the trial key to unlock the game for two weeks.)

Let me know if you're truly interested. Obviously I personally don't need it if I already have all the games!

I'm on defiant with a badass gravstorm troller.
And lo the whispering wanderer weeps
what whit to whom did my life keep?

I have a two-week/10-hour (whichever comes first) trial key for GW that I'm pretty sure I never used. I can PM it to you if you want to try out the game. (You don't need disks -- it will download from the ArenaNet site automatically. You just need the trial key to unlock the game for two weeks.)

Let me know if you're truly interested. Obviously I personally don't need it if I already have all the games!
Yeah that would be great!

I'm on defiant with a badass gravstorm troller.
Whats his name & level?