The Life of David Gale


Can any of you please give me some thoughts on this film without spoiling it , i love kevin space due to his brilliance on screen and ive never seen a bad movie with him so id presume this is another?

fantastic story, intense subject, superb ending, beautifully acted...loved this movie, still surprised that to this day it still flies under the radar...overall, I would say it lies somewhere below The Shawshank Redemption but above Pay It Forward...
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I have never seen this film, or read much about it, but I did read one review in a magazine when it came out in the cinema which said you would never guess the ending. So based on the brief idea of the characters and plot, I guessed an ending. So one day I intend to watch it, just to see if I was right.

Alan Parker, Kevin Spacey and Laura Linney are in my pantheon of folks who can do no wrong.

Oops, this time they missed. The Life Of David Gale is superbly presented: characters, production values and the early set-up is just right.

My opinion - David Gale just missed being a terrific character study when an agenda got in the way. Compare (as has been done) the superb "Dead Man Walking" -- the Robbins movie never tried to make an overt point; we followed the conscience of Helen Prejean as she wrestled with human villains and human victims.

David Gale is a polemic, but it is clever and entertaining -not fun, but engaging. The final message: state killings are immoral, unjust and capricious, is one I agree with.

The movie is a bit too cute in making its point. Could this happen in real life? Maybe, but it is a stretch. Referring again to "Dead Man Walking" - could this happen in real life?

Well, it did, with some dramatic license. Even if DMW was a total fiction, Sarandon's Sister Helen and Sean Penn's Poncelet are totally convincing. Linney and Spacey fell a bit short.

The Life Of David Gale is a brave movie, and I urge folks to see it - but don't check your brains at the door.

The movie is a very riveting plot and Kevin Spacey is just wonderful in it.
Livin On The Edge