No Country For Old Men


Perfect? It It cut dead in its tracks and made no friggin sense whatsoever.
No friggin' sense? You must have liked the ending to Usual Suspects and the feeling of being beat over the head with a Are-You-Sure-You-Get-It-Stick.

The ending perfectly wrapped up what the entire movie was about. A continuous cycle of momentarily shortsighted good and bad fighting one another to no avail.
New jumble is two words: balesdaewrd
Previous jumble goes to, Mrs. Darcy! (gdknmoifoaneevh - Kingdom of Heaven)
The individual words are jumbled then the spaces are removed. PM the answer to me. First one with the answer wins.

A continuous cycle of momentarily shortsighted good and bad fighting one another to no avail.

'Bout sums it up.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

This movie was slow but awesome. Who wouldve thought a cow prod could be used like that?

A system of cells interlinked
It's not a cattle prod.

The tool is called a Captive Bolt Pistol. It uses compressed air to quickly fire the projectile in and out of the target, which never fully leaves the chamber. On large animals, it's more of a stunning blow, and normally doesn't kill the beast.

A cattle prod is simply a long instrument used to, you guessed it, prod livestock to make them move. Some of them are electrified with low-current voltage.

That said, the film is anything but dull...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Okay, fair enough. But it looks like the sort of film I wouldn't like. Perhaps, and don't tell me off for being sexist, that there's too much of a masculine appeal.

Okay, fair enough. But it looks like the sort of film I wouldn't like. Perhaps, and don't tell me off for being sexist, that there's too much of a masculine appeal.
"What's wrong with being sexy?" - This Is Spinal Tap

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Nothing at all. It's just that the members of Spinal Tap believe that being sexy involves leather and spandex, and as we know, they have little clue about anything, including spontaneous combustion, so I would never use Nigel, David or Derek as experts on Jack...
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

With poverty comes violence...and poverty sure as hell is rising in the US of A. NO the media and entertainment outlets don't help...but poverty and violence is institutionalized....sure as hell its on the rise.
Poverty is no explanation although its an easy excuse for society. I worked for some years as a reporter covering police and courts, including 3 years on the police beat here in Houston. Every night I'd see poor blacks, poor Hispanics, poor whites hauled in for robbery, rape, assualt, burglary, etc. You name it. And every night I saw whites, blacks, Hispanics from the very same neighborhood working as janitors, mechanics, what have you in the same police station. Some came out of poverty, got jobs, raised families, became productive citizens. Others came out of the same poverty and victimized their neighbors. So the root cause is not poverty.

Great movie example is available in Angels with Dirty Faces. James Cagney and Pat O'Brian play kids who grow in Hell's Kitchen and are friends from childhood, stealing coal from the trainyards to heat their homes on cold winter's nights. One gets caught, goes to reform school, becomes a gangster, and eventually is executed for murder. The other becomes a priest. Same background, same poverty, one makes it, one doesn't.

Well, that's certainly a reasonable position to take...for The National Enquirer, anyway.

Say what, now?
Well, before you start passing judgment on my judgment of Harrleson and son, what exactly do you know of the case, Pike? It was a well publicized case here in Texas, where a Mexican drug lord hires the murder of a US federal judge. I've covered crime, I've covered drugs, I've covered cops and courts, and my sympathy is with the dead judge, his family, and the federal and state officers who brought the killer to justice. I'm quite comfortable in my prejudice against Harrelson and son because there was ample evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that they were both lying when they claimed he didn't do it. I'm exercising my right as a citizen to dislike a particular actor for any reason or no reason whatsoever. Woody used to be funny on Cheers, but I haven't cared for any of his subsequent roles.

Great post rufnek, but before we get into that....

Has anyone here actually read the book?
No, I'm not familar with the book.

A PHD in Whiskey and Stonerology
*gets headache* No offense intended here, but it really bothers me when people see the film for a story before reading the book it's based on. In this case, the book is a masterpiece and should not be passed up. It also offers greater depth and an even more powerful experience.

Blood Meridian: Or the Evening Redness in the West is probably my favorite, with No Country for Old Men at a close second...

The Road was great, though.

Well, before you start passing judgment on my judgment of Harrleson and son, what exactly do you know of the case, Pike? It was a well publicized case here in Texas, where a Mexican drug lord hires the murder of a US federal judge. I've covered crime, I've covered drugs, I've covered cops and courts, and my sympathy is with the dead judge, his family, and the federal and state officers who brought the killer to justice. I'm quite comfortable in my prejudice against Harrelson and son because there was ample evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that they were both lying when they claimed he didn't do it.
Woody testified at the initial trial? I thought he was only involved with the attempt to overturn the conviction much later? I don't know many of the details of the case other than the basics, no, and the attempts to overturn the conviction were all unsuccessful. But whether his father did or didn't commit the murder makes absolutely zero difference in how I view the son as an actor.

I'm exercising my right as a citizen to dislike a particular actor for any reason or no reason whatsoever. Woody used to be funny on Cheers, but I haven't cared for any of his subsequent roles.
Congratulations! And I'm exercising the same right to call you kooky for being "put off" of a movie adapted by the Coens from a novel by Cormac McCarthy directed by the Coens where Woody is a supporting actor just because that man's father is a murderer. And since Woody became a regular on "Cheers" after the murder of the judge, I'm not really getting why you let him slide there. But on the other hand, I don't really care.

Now if Woody produces and stars in a project that attempts to somehow clear his father's name, I hear ya'. But as an actor for hire in things that have nothing to do with any of it? Yeah, that's silly. To me. But, you know, knock yourself out.

Also, being a reporter and Texan and all, do you also believe that Charles Harrelson is one of the men on the grassy knoll in Dallas who really assassinated JFK?
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

A PHD in Whiskey and Stonerology
"Also, being a reporter and Texan and all, do you also believe that Charles Harrelson is one of the men on the grassy knoll in Dallas who really assassinated JFK?"