Homemade Cartoons


Hi Fellow Members,

I am a film buff but I also am an amateur cartoonist and I plan on sharing some of my art with this sub-forum. I hope you enjoy my brand of humor. All feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bob


Remember, this is a family friendly site.




Trouble with a capital "T"
Very cool work, rclearly! I like your style, you're very talented. Welcome to Movie Forums glad to have you here

Thanks! Now a little known historical fact.


I am looking forward to the premier.


At the count of three - one, two...


The fish one is my favorite so far!
Thanks - I do a lot of fish.


But I'm sure she may get a little sticky.


My favorite is the dog and nap cartoon, also like the tug of war and the sweater fish. I could see the tug of war cartoon in the New Yorker magazine. The cartoons are also easy in the eyes.

Keep going at it.

I suggest getting a pot brewing ASAP.


The miracle of Gravy Train


I suspect this will not be an improvement.

Although unlike most of your audience,
I love yodeling.
Good one @rcleary171

(May be a typo in the balloon , shouldn't it read? : much MORE harmonious)

Btw I notice you are doing something different than other cartoonists . Most cartoons ( at least the one's I' m familiar with) have the captions at the bottom of the cartoon. You have your wry comedic observation at the top. Is that a personal style of yours?

Although unlike most of your audience,
I love yodeling.
Good one @rcleary171

(May be a typo in the balloon , shouldn't it read? : much MORE harmonious)

Btw I notice you are doing something different than other cartoonists . Most cartoons ( at least the one's I' m familiar with) have the captions at the bottom of the cartoon. You have your wry comedic observation at the top. Is that a personal style of yours?
Excellent catch - correct and funnier. All fixed, thanks.