Blade Runner: Final Cut Trailer


The Fabulous Sausage Man

They're making it look like an action film...typical.

A system of cells interlinked
Oh, It's going to be stellar, for sure. I can't wait...

Not sure what negative things you are seeing, as this is all original footage in the trailer, cleaned up and wonderful. Sure, they aped some of the score from Arnofsky's The Fountain, but, that is the only thing "off" in the trailer. I will be first in line at my theater when it hits...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
I think "negative" would be overstating my reaction, which I'd describe as guarded and mildly skeptical. This is based on very subtle things I see (or think I see) in the angle they've chosen to market this, which suggest they may have attempted to modernize it - which it doesn't need. The original is great and deserves to be seen as it was originally done, for the reason highlighted in the trailer: it's the film that started it all. Cyberpunk grew out of that film. I haven't watched BR as many as some, and it's been a few months, but I don't remember green text (such as is all over the ads for The Matrix). And as you mentioned, the music is more modern. That said, it might be they're just trying to market a cleaned-up, respectful re-release of the film and they're updating the marketing. I'd hope that's the case. Marketing often seems about selling the seats, with little regard for the content of the film, and maybe they're aiming for a younger audience, figuring those of us who've already seen it will be there with bells on anyway. I'll most certainly see it though - have never seen it on a big screen. [/very much overthought reaction to a 30 second trailer]

You ready? You look ready.
Oh yes, I will be at the theater when it's released. And if it isn't here, I'll drive anywhere up to 200 miles to see it. I have to see it on the big screen at least once in my life. Otherwise, I'll die a very sad man.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Looks great I will be there to see it, well, when it gets to Austaralia
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

They cheesed it into an action film, I'm not overly impressed.

That was great , i have never seen blade running be that exciting . Although I'll have to see if this final cut is going to more fast paced with narration - the directors cut was sooooo boring : and apparently Ridley Scott has learned that you just don't have ambient stuff in a movie for 40 minutes (American Gangster has no wasted time like many of Ridley Scott's films)