Captain America: Civil War is the greatest movies marvel ever did.


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I think that the Civil War is the best movie from Marvel.

Agree or not?

While I liked Civil War and think it's one of the best movies out so far this year, I thought Winter Soldier was significantly better. Also liked Guardians of the Galaxy more. Probably some others too haha.

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But lets be real here, Civil War will never be able to live up to the absolute Marvel masterpiece that is, Howard The Duck, clearly it is the superior picture. The difference in effects alone should prove it. Forget the Black Panther cgi, look at this totally realistic and believable duck puppet.

“Hell will hold no surprises for you.”
Great movie, definitely top 5 Marvel film for me.

Not the best though. Winter Soldier, the first Avengers and Guardians were better.

I think that the Civil War Guardians of the Galaxy is the best movie from Marvel.

Agree or not?

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Civil War had more emotional depth than any Marvel movie ever made, the conflict was well developed, I understood why each character was doing what they were doing, and the action was pretty amazing save for a few to many edits once or twice.

I don't think that it's the best. But I can not imagine a lot of rivals. Winter Soldier was best for me and GotG and Avengers may be better. But actually if we think the crowd and control over that crowd of Civil War, yeah it's among the best.

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I'm sorry, but the other MCU movies look like such fluff compared to Civil War due to the emotional investment. Not to say that the other MCU movies aren't awesome, it's just in comparison.

I'm sorry, but the other MCU movies look like such fluff compared to Civil War due to the emotional investment. Not to say that the other MCU movies aren't awesome, it's just in comparison.
What a one-dimensional opinion...

I liked how dramatic Civil War became... Hench, "became", since I felt no emotional investment until the finale and in my opinion the so-called political conflict was weak and not well-handled, despite having huge potenial. The dialog was either missing Joss Whedon's ping-pong assemble dialog or simply a darker more focused dialog. The movie dragged and didn't invest me nearly enough.

I also was one of the viewers who found it boring. Because the plot is a mess. Besides the action sequences (which I admit are top notch) there's a muddled mess of subplots that don't add up.

The airport fight is awesome but what does it do for the plot? What does it advance? Nothing.

I agree that you shouldn't critique so harshly and seek alot of depth with the Marvel movies, but still that shouldn't be an excuse for them. I think they could do a lot better with making the superheroes more human. When I see Captain America I see Cris Evans, I don't see Captain America. Things could be a bit
more real, because I didn't find tension in the film at all, no suspense, no build up, no patience as a movie.

Everyone looks so pretty and gorgeous all the time that I tend to be taken out of the films atmosphere because of plot and character cliches that I've seen dozens of times before in the other movies, even Marvel movies.

It's still a fun time at the movies ,I loved the fight scene at the airport. The stories and dramatic tension could be vastly improved IMO

If we are talking about anything resembling some soul or emotional heft, no way.

The opening of GotG with junior Quill at the bedside .

Add to that the "in space, my eyes are turning blue" rescue mission.

Please hold your applause till after the me.
What a one-dimensional opinion...

I liked how dramatic Civil War became... Hench, "became", since I felt no emotional investment until the finale and in my opinion the so-called political conflict was weak and not well-handled, despite having huge potenial. The dialog was either missing Joss Whedon's ping-pong assemble dialog or simply a darker more focused dialog. The movie dragged and didn't invest me nearly enough.
It sounds like you're talking about just this movie alone. With this movie, the investment carries over from the past films in the MCU. And don't you dare try and pull the argument "so without the past films this one would suck" because that's the case for majority of the MCU films, this is a UNIVERSE, they're all one big movie, just in different parts. And even so, the scene with the Stark's memory hologram alone is some of the best character investment in all the films, it makes it so you understand his position at the end as he clashes against Captain America.

[SPOILERS=""All you needed to hear was the line, "He killed my mom.", that should instantly speak to anyone, especially since thanks to that earlier scene, you know he never really said goodbye, making it all the more powerful.

I am the Watcher in the Night
I won't argue too much if you think Civil War is the best of the bunch because it is good enough to considered at that level. For me personally, it goes like this:

1. Cap 2: Winter Soldier
2. Guardians of the Galaxy
3. Avengers: Age of Ultron (I'm probably in a minority)
4. Cap 3: Civil War
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

"I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle"

****. A whole bunch of movies I haven't seen.
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I think my problem with Civil War is the pace and they put so much more emphasis on the action that when your watching the characters make their way through this terribly put together plot it's so uninteresting. It's also ridiculous that a team of people who have fought together for years has nobody who can stop and just be rational for a second. The dialogue isn't bad, the overarching plot is.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.